Supplier prices

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The procurement process usually involves supplier price analysis. This requires that you register and store supplier prices. For this, 1C:Drive provides the following tools to you:

  • The Counterparty prices list
  • The Supplier price lists
  • Supplier invoices
  • RFQ responses

All the tools are available if the Register supplier prices checkbox is selected in Settings > Purchases / Warehouse, under Supplier prices.

All registered supplier prices are stored in the Counterparty prices list. The supplier prices apply to your purchase documents.

You can work with supplier prices as follows:

Registering supplier prices

In 1C:Drive you have the following options:

  • Register supplier prices automatically
  • Register supplier prices manually

Registering supplier prices automatically

You can choose to use supplier invoices or RFQ responses as a source of supplier prices. If you do so, every time you post a supplier invoice or RFQ response, its prices are automatically registered.

To register supplier prices specified in a supplier invoice or RFQ response:

  1. In a supplier invoice or RFQ response, click the prices and currency link
    (such as currencylink.png).
  2. In the Prices and currency window, select the Register supplier prices checkbox.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Post the document.
A product or product variant with certain unit of measure can have only one supplier price of a certain type effective on a certain date.

Registering supplier prices manually

You can register supplier prices manually using any of the following tools:

  • Counterparty prices list
  • Supplier price lists

Registering supplier prices using Counterparty prices list

To register a supplier price:

  1. Go to Purchases > Catalogs > Products.
  2. Double-click a product line.
  3. In the link bar of the product card, click Counterparty prices.
    Note. If Counterparty prices is missing, check the More actions menu in the link bar.
  4. Click Create.
  5. In the Price (create) window, enter or select the following:
    Field Description
    Effective on The date when you plan to start applying a supplier price to purchase documents and supplier price lists. The price applies until a new active supplier price becomes effective.
    Active Indicates whether a supplier price automatically applies to purchase documents and supplier price lists from the Effective on date.
    An inactive supplier price applies neither to purchase documents nor to supplier price lists.
    Counterparty A supplier that offers a price.
    A list of counterparties is based on the Counterparties catalog.
    Price type A supplier price type from the Supplier price types catalog.
    It determines the price currency and links the price to a supplier.
    Product A product that a supplier price applies to. By default, the current product's description is populated. You can select another product. This can be a product of Inventory, Work, or Service type. Then, the registered supplier price will appear on its card.
    The product list is based on the Products catalog.
    Variant A product variant that a supplier price applies to.
    A supplier price applies to a product when you specify the product variant in a purchase document.
    A list of variants is based on the Product variants list.
    You can specify a variant if:
    • The Inventory accounting by variants checkbox is selected in Settings > Purchases / Warehouse > Inventory (products).
    • Accounting by variants applies to a product.
    Price A supplier price.
    The supplier price currency depends on the selected supplier price type
    Unit A product unit of measure.
    A supplier price applies to a product when you specify the unit of measure in a purchase document.
    Source document A supplier invoice where a supplier price comes from.
    It is automatically prefilled if you choose to use supplier invoices as a source of supplier prices. To learn more, see Registering supplier prices automatically.
    Author 1C:Drive user that registered a supplier price.
    It is not editable.
  6. Click Save and close.

Registering supplier prices using Supplier price lists

To register a supplier price:

  1. Go to Purchases > Prices > Supplier price lists.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Price (create) window, specify the supplier price details. To learn more, see Registering supplier prices using Counterparty prices list.
  4. Click Save and close.

Editing supplier prices

If a supplier changes a price, you can edit the price using any of the following options:

  • Update supplier prices automatically
  • Edit supplier prices manually

Updating supplier prices automatically

You can choose to use a supplier invoice or RFQ response as a source of supplier prices. If you do so, every time you edit prices in a supplier invoice or RFQ response and post it, the supplier prices are automatically updated.

To learn more, see Registering supplier prices automatically.

Editing supplier prices manually

You can edit supplier prices manually using any of the following tools:

  • Counterparty prices list
  • Supplier price lists

Note. The new price does not automatically apply to the existing purchase documents. If you want to update the price, open a purchase document and refill the prices. To do this, use the document's Prices and currency settings.

Editing supplier prices using Counterparty prices list

To edit a supplier price:

  1. Go to Purchases > Catalogs > Products.
  2. Double-click a product line.
  3. In the link bar of the product card, click Counterparty prices.
    Note. If Counterparty prices is missing, check the More actions menu in the link bar.
  4. Double-click a supplier price line.
  5. In the Price window, edit the supplier price details. To learn more, see Registering supplier prices using Counterparty prices list.
  6. Click Save and close.

Editing supplier prices using Supplier price lists

To edit a supplier price:

  1. Go to Purchases > Prices > Supplier price lists.
  2. Generate a supplier list.
  3. Double-click a supplier price cell or click Add.
  4. In the Price window, edit the supplier price details. To learn more, see Registering supplier prices using Counterparty prices list.
  5. Click Save and close.

Activating or deactivating supplier prices

When you register a supplier price, you plan its effective date. By default, the registered supplier price is active. It means that the price automatically applies to purchase documents starting from the effective date.

You can activate or deactivate a supplier price whenever your business requires. When you deactivate a supplier price, it no longer applies to purchase documents.

To activate or deactivate a supplier price:

  1. Go to Purchases > Catalogs > Products.
  2. Double-click a product line.
  3. In the link bar of the product card, click Counterparty prices.
    Note. If Counterparty prices is missing, check the More actions menu in the link bar.
  4. Double-click a supplier price line.
  5. In the Price window, do one of the following:
    • To activate a supplier price, select the Active checkbox.
    • To deactivate a supplier price, clear the Active checkbox.
  6. Click Save and close.

Note. A product can have several supplier prices of the same price type and various effective dates. If you deactivate the current one, the previous active supplier price applies to purchase documents and supplier price lists. The price applies until a new active supplier price becomes effective.

Viewing supplier price history

You can view supplier price history using one of the following tools:

  • Counterparty prices list
  • Supplier price lists

Viewing supplier price history using Counterparty prices list

To view supplier price history using the Counterparty prices list:

  1. Go to Purchases > Catalogs > Products.
  2. Double-click a product line.
  3. In the link bar of the product card, click Counterparty prices.
    Note. If Counterparty prices is missing, check the More actions menu in the link bar.

The Counterparty prices list is displayed. It shows price history by various suppliers.

The list columns can vary depending on the list settings. By default, the following columns are available:

  • Active. Indicates whether a supplier price applies to purchase documents and supplier price lists from the price effective date.
  • Effective on. The supplier price effective date.
  • Counterparty. The supplier that offers a price.
  • Price type. A supplier price type. To learn more, see Supplier price types.
  • Variant. A product characteristic such as color or size.
  • Price. A supplier price.
  • Unit. A product unit of measure.

To quickly find supplier prices:

  • Sort the list by any column by clicking a column header. To change the sorting order, click the header again.
  • Search the list using the search field above the list. You can search by price type, price, UOM, or characteristic.

Viewing supplier price history using Supplier price lists

To view supplier price history using the Supplier price lists:

  1. Go to Purchases > Prices > Supplier price lists.
  2. Generate a supplier list.
  3. Select a price cell.
  4. Click History.

The Counterparty prices list is displayed. It shows price history of the chosen supplier.

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