6.6. Infobase parameters

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Infobase parameter settings allow you to specify data lock timeout and define whether to apply restrictions for user passwords.

https://kb.1ci.com/bin/download/OnecInt/KB/1C_Enterprise_Platform/Guides/Administrator_Guides/1C_Enterprise_8.3.22_Administrator_Guide/Chapter_6._Infobase_administration/WebHome/en_image056.pngFig. 57. Infobase parameters

You can configure the following parameters:

Data lock timeout (in seconds)

Determines the maximum waiting time before the transaction lock is set by the database server. For example, when the current transaction needs to set lock on a database record but the record is already locked by another transaction, the current transaction will wait until the lock is released or the number of seconds specified in this parameter passed. The parameter also determines transaction lock timeout in 1C:Enterprise managed lock mode.

Changing this parameter (using this dialog box or 1C:Enterprise language) requires administrative rights and enables exclusive mode for infobase access.

Changes of the data lock timeout value become effective immediately for all databases except IBM DB2. In IBM DB2, you need to restart the database after the data lock timeout value is changed.

Minimum password length

Defines the minimum length of a user password. If Password complexity check is enabled, the minimum length of the user password is 7 characters. The parameter value cannot exceed 99.

Password complexity check

When this parameter is enabled, user passwords must meet the following requirements:

  • Password length must not be less than the Minimum password length parameter value.
  • Password must include characters from at least three of the following groups:
    • Uppercase letters
    • Lowercase letters
    • Digits
    • Special characters
  • Password must not match the username.
  • Password must not be an alphabetical sequence of characters.

When you select the Password complexity check check box and the Minimum password length parameter value is less than 7, the Minimum password length parameter is set to 7. Otherwise, the Minimum password length parameter value does not change when you select the Password complexity check check box. When you clear the Password complexity check check box, the Minimum password length parameter value does not change.

Enabling these restrictions for infobase user passwords does not affect the existing passwords. Restrictions will be applied only after the current password is changed or a new infobase user is added. However, password verification is performed according to the current infobase settings. In particular, this means case-sensitivity check is enabled for passwords when Password complexity check is enabled.

For example, if the user password is PaSs and the Password complexity check parameter is disabled, the user can enter their password as pass, PASS, or PasS, and still be able to sign in. After enabling Password complexity check parameter, the user cannot sign in until they enter the case-sensitive password PaSs.

Passive session hibernation timeout (in seconds)

A session that has no activity within the specified time becomes Hibernating.

Before the user is authenticated, the session state changes to Hibernating after 20 seconds of the client application inactivity.

Hibernating session termination timeout (in seconds)

The hibernating session is terminated after the specified period of time.

Before the user is authenticated, the hibernating session is deleted after 20 minutes.

Number of totals recalculation jobs

Defines the number of system background jobs used to recalculate register totals upon infobase restructuring or testing and introducing respective patches. The default value is 4. It means that to recalculate totals, 4 background jobs are started at the same time. This parameter is applicable in infobase client/server mode only.

The maximum number of failed authentication attempts

For detailed description of this parameter, see article By default, when password is under attack.

Lock duration on exceeding the maximum number of failed authentication attempts (in seconds)

For detailed description of this parameter, see article By default, when password is under attack.

Username add-on codes used when authentication is blocked

For detailed description of this parameter, see article By default, when password is under attack.

The infobase parameters can be changed or received from 1C:Enterprise language using the following methods:

  • Infobase lock timeout: SetLockWaitTime()/GetLockWaitTime().
  • Minimum user password length: SetUserPasswordMinLength()/GetUserPasswordMinLength().
  • User password complexity check flag: SetUserPasswordStrengthCheck()/GetUserPasswordStrengthCheck().
  • Passive session hibernation timeout: SetPassiveSessionHibernateTime()/GetPassiveSessionHibernateTime().
  • Hibernating session termination timeout: SetHibernateSessionTerminateTime()/GetHibernateSessionTerminateTime().
  • Number of totals recalculation jobs: SetTotalRecalcJobCount()/GetTotalRecalcJobCount().
  • Infobase time zone: SetInfoBaseTimeZone()/GetInfoBaseTimeZone().
  • Full-text data search mode: SetFullTextSearchMode()/GetFullTextSearchMode().
  • First year of the century: SetInfoBaseBeginningOfCentury()/GetInfoBaseBeginningOfCentury()/SessionBeginningOfCentury().

    The parameter is used if it is necessary to define the whole year of the date from the last two digits. When the first year of the century is set to "1950" (the default value), then the numbers of the year "49" will correspond to the year "2049", and the numbers of the year "50" will correspond to the year "1950".

  • Mobile client signature verification: SetMobileClientSignatureVerificationMethod()/GetMobileClientSignatureVerificationMethod().

When the infobase parameters are set in a transaction using the 1C:Enterprise language methods listed above, the method of getting the value returns:

  • In current session:
    • Before transaction end: the latest value.
    • After transaction commit: the latest value.
    • After transaction rollback: the value at transaction start.
  • In another session:
    • Outside the transaction in record-locking DBMS (Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2): the latest value, not later than 20 seconds after the value is set. After transaction rollback: the value at transaction start, not later than 20 seconds after the rollback.
    • In the transaction and for versioned DBMS (file mode, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database): the latest value, not later than 20 seconds after committing the transaction where the value was set.

In the client/server mode, when the parameter value is set from the thick client side, the change is immediately visible at the server side, and vice versa.

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