6.5. Regional infobase settings

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Regional infobase settings affect the format of date, time, numbers, logical constants, as well as string order in infobase lists. To start this mode, click Administration – Regional infobase settings.

https://kb.1ci.com/bin/download/OnecInt/KB/1C_Enterprise_Platform/Guides/Administrator_Guides/1C_Enterprise_8.3.22_Administrator_Guide/Chapter_6._Infobase_administration/WebHome/en_image055.pngFig. 56. Regional settings

If a property is not set, the default 1C:Enterprise settings for numbers, dates, and time for the specified language (country) will be used. Language (country) is specified during infobase creation.

Language (Country). Select the language (country) for this infobase.

First day of the week property is used to specify what day of the week is considered the first day of the week in the country. If you set this property to Auto, the first day of the week is chosen based on the country specified in Language (Country) property. For example, if you choose English language, Sunday will be set as the first day of the week, and if you choose Arabic, Saturday will be the first day. Any day of the week can be chosen as the first day of the week.

In infobases created with 1C:Enterprise 8.3.6 or older, the value of the first day of the week is not stored in the infobase. If compatibility with 8.3.6 and earlier versions is enabled for an application deployed in this infobase, Monday will be used as the first day of the week (and you will not be able to change this value). If the compatibility mode is set to Not used for this infobase (or compatibility version is earlier than 8.3.6), the first day of the week will be selected according to Language (Country) property. The First day of the week property is assumed to be set to Auto.

In infobases created with 1C:Enterprise 8.3.7 or later, the value of the first weekday is stored in the infobase. When creating an infobase, the First day of the week property is set to Auto. The value of this property can be changed; the changed value is stored in the infobase. Setting the mode for compatibility with 8.3.6 and later will make Monday the first day of the week and the First day of the week property will be uneditable. However, the actual settings will be saved and will become effective after setting the compatibility mode to Do not use (or if the compatibility version is later than 8.3.6). If you edit regional settings in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.6 and later, the value of First day of the week property will be cleared.

If the Use regional setting of the current session property is set, the values similar to Number and Date are displayed (including input fields, calendar, and calculator) according to regional settings of a current session. These settings are determined based on the regional settings of a client computer, but can be re-configured using the /VL command-line parameter.

In the lower part of the dialog box, examples of number, date and time formats for the selected regional settings are displayed.

Values of Boolean type are displayed in accordance with the interface language. This can be set using the /L parameter.

Decimal separator. You can choose a separator between integer and fractional parts of a number from the drop-down list, or type it in the input field. An example is displayed to the left of the input field.

Digit group separator. You can choose a separator of digit groups in a number from the drop-down list, or type it in the input field. An example is displayed to the left of the input field.

Grouping. This property sets the format for digit grouping in the integer part of a number. You can choose the format string from the drop-down list, or enter it manually. The grouping format is: <A><separator><B>. Any character can be used as a separator, except digits. A format string allows you to set one or two digit groups counting from right to left. Each character (A and B) specifies the number of digits in its group.

Consider an example of format strings for number 987654321, where a group separator is the character "/". The description also goes from right to left:

  • Grouping – 3,2, presentation – 98/76/54/321:
    • First group includes the first 3 digits.
    • It is followed by the group separator specified in OS settings or in Group separator property.
    • All other digits are grouped by twos.
  • Grouping – 3,0, presentation – 987/654/321:
    • Each group contains 3 digits.
    • Groups are separated by a separator character.
  • Grouping – 4, presentation – 98765/4321:
    • First group includes 4 digits.
    • Groups are separated by a separator character.
    • Remaining digits are not grouped or separated.

Negative number format. You can choose the negative numbers format from the drop-down list. If you select Auto, negative numbers format is defined by the operating system settings.

Date format. Specifies the date format. You can use the following characters in different combinations:




Day of month. Numbers below 10 are displayed without a leading zero.


Day of month. Numbers below 10 are displayed with a leading zero.


Month number. Month numbers below 10 are displayed without a leading zero.


Month number. Month numbers below 10 are displayed with a leading zero.


Month name (in words).


The last two digits of the year. Years below 10 are displayed without a leading zero.


The last two digits of the year. Years below 10 are displayed with a leading zero.


All four digits of the year.

The above mentioned characters and groups of characters can be entered in any sequence. You can specify the separators for day, month, and year.

Time format. Specifies the time format. You can use the following characters in different combinations:



h, H

Hours, in 12-hour (h) or 24-hour (H) format. Hours below 10 are displayed without a leading zero.

hh, HH

Hours, in 12-hour (hh) or 24-hour (HH) format. Hours below 10 are displayed with a leading zero.


Minutes. Minutes below 10 are displayed without a leading zero.


Minutes. Minutes below 10 are displayed with a leading zero.


Seconds. Seconds below 10 are displayed without a leading zero.


Seconds. Seconds below 10 are displayed with a leading zero.

The above mentioned characters and groups of characters can be entered in any sequence. You can specify the separator characters to separate hours, minutes, and seconds.

False. True. Specifies logical constants. You can choose these from the drop-down list, or enter manually.

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