6.7. Exporting infobase to file

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An infobase can be saved to a file on hard drive. To save the infobase data to a file, click Administration – Dump infobase. This will open the standard file selection dialog box. Select a directory and specify the name of infobase data dump file.

The export functionality allows you to:

  • Obtain an infobase image regardless of the data storage method.
  • Transfer an infobase between DBMS's or file modes.

Before exporting the infobase, it is recommended that you test it using Designer or a third-party utility, and fix all the issues found.

It is recommended that you do not use this method to create infobase backups because:

  • Export file may be impossible to load if the exported infobase contains errors.
  • Export procedure takes a long time.
  • Export procedure requires exclusive mode.
  • Export procedure has high RAM requirements.

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