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To create a bank receipt to record a received payment that does not fit any specific payment category:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To generate a bank receipt based on a source document, select or open the source document. Then, click Generate > Bank receipt.
    • To create a bank receipt from scratch, go to Cash management and under Bank, click Bank receipts. Then, in the Bank receipts list, click Create.
  2. Specify general details:
    • Set Operation to Other.
    • Select Counterparty that the payment is received from.
    • Fill in Amount to indicate the total payment amount.
    • Fill in Account to indicate a company’s bank account for receiving the payment.
    • Fill in other fields as necessary.
  3. On the Payment allocation tab, specify payment allocation details.
  4. To be able to trace the received payment to the original planning document, on the Planning tab, specify planning documents that recorded a planned cash inflow. For details, see Planning tab.
    Note. This step is applicable if planning and forecast are enabled (the Cash flow projection checkbox is selected in Settings > Cash management, under Cash flow projection).
  5. Optional: On the Additional information tab, specify additional information.
  6. Click Post and close.

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