To create a bank receipt to record a received payment that does not fit any specific payment category:
- Do one of the following:
- To generate a bank receipt based on a source document, select or open the source document. Then, click Generate > Bank receipt.
- To create a bank receipt from scratch, go to Cash management and under Bank, click Bank receipts. Then, in the Bank receipts list, click Create.
- Specify general details:
- Set Operation to Other.
- Select Counterparty that the payment is received from.
- Fill in Amount to indicate the total payment amount.
- Fill in Account to indicate a company’s bank account for receiving the payment.
- Fill in other fields as necessary.
- On the Payment allocation tab, specify payment allocation details.
- To be able to trace the received payment to the original planning document, on the Planning tab, specify planning documents that recorded a planned cash inflow. For details, see Planning tab.
Note. This step is applicable if planning and forecast are enabled (the Cash flow projection checkbox is selected in Settings > Cash management, under Cash flow projection). - Optional: On the Additional information tab, specify additional information.
- Click Post and close.