Planning tab

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In a bank receipt, the Planning tab contains information about original planning documents that the bank receipt is related to. These are the documents that record planned cash inflow.

The Planning tab is available if the following conditions are met:

  • Planning and forecasting are enabled (the Cash flow projection checkbox is selected in Settings > Cash management > Cash flow projection).
  • In a bank receipt, Operation is set to Return from advance holder, Foreign currency acquisition, Taxes, or Other,

To learn more about the Planning tab fields, see the following table:

Field Description
Planning document A document that records the planned cash inflow. For example, a cash inflow projection.
Fill in this field to trace the received payment to the original planning document. The document will appear in the Cash balance forecast report.
Amount (planned) The amount planned to receive. It is in the currency of the bank account that you use for receiving the payment.
By default, it is prefilled with the total payment amount specified in a bank receipt's general details.

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