General details for Taxes
If you generate a bank receipt from a source document (such as a tax accruals document), its general details are automatically prefilled. You can edit them.
To learn more about the general details fields, see the following table:
Field | Description |
Counterparty | The payer. The payment recipient list is based on the Counterparties catalog filtered by Other relationship account type. To view all counterparties, clear the Other checkbox. This field is automatically prefilled if you generate a bank receipt from another document (such as a tax accruals document). |
Cash flow item | A cash flow item assigned to the received payment. You can view the cash flow item in the Cash flow report. |
Base document | The source document that registers a request for tax refund. For example, the tax accruals document where Operation is set to Reimbursement. This field is prefilled if you generate a bank receipt from another document. It is recommended that you edit this field only if you are creating a bank receipt from scratch. |
Amount | The total payment amount in the payment currency (the currency of the bank account that you use for receiving the payment). |
<payment currency code> | The payment currency. It is automatically filled with the currency of the selected bank account. The field is available if the Foreign exchange accounting checkbox is selected in Settings > Cash management. |
Number | The bank receipt ID. It is automatically generated when you post the bank receipt. You can edit it. You can find bank receipts by ID in the Bank receipts list. |
Date | Date of the bank receipt's register records. By default, it is the date of the bank receipt's creation. |
Operation | A business operation that a bank receipt records. After you select an operation, the bank receipt layout and details can change accordingly. |
Company | Your company’s name. The company list is based on the Companies catalog. This field is available if the Manage multiple companies checkbox is selected in Settings > Company. |
VAT ID | Your company’s VAT identification number. This field is available if both of the following conditions are met:
Account | Your company’s bank account that you use for receiving the payment.. |
Bank fee | Indicates whether the bank receipt includes a bank fee. If the bank fee is included, select this checkbox and, at the bottom of the window, specify the bank fee details. |