3.5. 1cestart.cfg

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The 1cestart.cfg file contains settings that launchers use (1cestart and 1cv8s), client applications (1cv8 and 1cv8c), and external connections.

File location:

  • On Windows:
    • Installation "for computer":
      • %APPDATA%\1C\1CEStart. For a specific user. The file changes when configuring the startup window.
      • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\1C\1CEStart (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1C\1CEStart for Windows Vista and later). For all users of the computer. The file changes only during the installation of the 1C:Enterprise application.
    • Installation "for user":
      • %APPDATA%\1C\1CEStart. For a specific user. The file changes when configuring the startup window.
  • On Linux: ~/.1C/1cestart.
  • On macOS: ~/.1C/1cestart.

The file is a text document encoded in UTF-16LE and contains the strings of <Parameter>=<Value> format. The descriptions of the parameters that can be contained in this file are described below.


InstalledLocation=C:\Program Files\1cv8
ConfigurationTemplatesLocation=C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\1C\1cv8\tmplts

This parameter specifies the default version. Multiple lines with this parameter are allowed.

The bitness of the client application to be started can specified in this parameter. The ";" character is used to separate the version and the bitness of the client application. The bitness value is the same as the /AppArch command parameters of the client application startup command line.

Values from all configuration files are used.

Example 1:


This line means that version will be used when attempting to start the infobase with version 8.3.

Example 2:


This line means that version will be used when attempting to start the infobase with version 8.2.15.

Example 3:


This line means that if you try to start any infobase, you will use the client application version 8.3 with a priority of 64-bit version. For more information on how to choose the bitness of the launched client application, see article Determining application bitness.


The parameter specifies the path and name of the file with the shared infobases list.

Values from all configuration files are used.

Description of the file format with the shared infobases list, see article *.v8i.


The parameter contains a reference to the directory, in which the installation of 1C:Enterprise was performed. By default, this is the path to the root installation directory of the respective operating system.

The values from all configuration files are used in the following order:

  • From the common configuration file.
  • From the local configuration file for all users.
  • From the local configuration file.

The parameter contains a reference to the directory in which a new version will be searched for automatic installation.

Values from all configuration files are used.

The directory with distribution packages of new versions will also be searched in the directory where the common configuration file (1cescmn.cfg) is located.


The parameter specifies the path and name of the common configuration file. Multiple lines with this parameter are allowed.

Values from all configuration files are used.


The local configuration file and the local configuration file for all users (1cestart.cfg) contains a list of installed components.

The common configuration file (1cescmn.cfg) contains a list of components to be installed (generated by the system administrator).

The parameter value from one configuration file is used according to the following priority:

  • Local configuration file for all users.
  • Local configuration file.
  • Common configuration file.

The parameter contains a string of components to be installed, separated by a space:

  • 0. Do not install.
  • 1. Install.

The following components are available:

  • DESIGNERALLCLIENTS. All clients and Designer.
  • THINCLIENT. Thin client for client/server mode operation.
  • THINCLIENTFILE. Thin client with support for file infobases.
  • SERVER. 1C:Enterprise server. If the installer starts from a launcher, the server will be installed as an application.
  • WEBSERVEREXT. Extension components for web server.
  • CONFREPOSSERVER. 1C:Enterprise configuration repository server.
  • SERVERCLIENT. Components for administrating 1C:Enterprise servers cluster.
  • CONVERTER77. Converter of infobases from 1C:Enterprise version 7.7.
  • LANGUAGES. List of installation interface languages. If multiple languages are specified, they are listed separated by ",".



Example parameter:


This parameter specifies the path to the configuration templates directory. It may contain more than one record.

Values from all configuration files are used.


The parameter controls the search for security key (both local and network ones) when starting 1C:Enterprise:

  • 1. The protection key is searched for (default value).
  • 0. The protection key is not searched for.

The parameter value from one configuration file is used according to the following priority:

  • Local configuration file.
  • Local configuration file for all users.
  • Common configuration file.

This parameter allows you to disable the search for a security key when obtaining client licenses is implemented using the Web server extension, the 1C:Enterprise server, or in the case of the base version.

The value of the parameter can be changed by the application in the following cases:

  • If the search for the security key is enabled, the client application starts analyzing the security key search time. If the security key was not found, the start was successful and the search time exceeded 3 seconds, the user is prompted to disable the search for the security key to speed up subsequent starts. If the user agrees, the UseHwLicenses=0 parameter is written to the 1cestart.cfg file of that user.
  • If the search for the security key is disabled and at startup it is detected that the license is not obtained from the 1C:Enterprise server or from the Web server extension, the user is prompted to enable the search for the security key. If the user agrees, the UseHwLicenses=1 parameter is written to the 1cestart.cfg file of that user, and the client application restarts.

If an external connection is started, an attempt is made to parse the parameter from the 1cestart.cfg file located in the user profile, on behalf of which the external connection is started. If the user does not have a profile (for example, a LocalSystem user in Windows), the search for the key is always performed.


URL of the Internet service, which provides a list of shared infobases and distribution package of the client application.

First, an attempt is made to retrieve the required file (with a list of shared infobases or a distribution package of the client application) using an HTTP request. If this attempt fails, an attempt is made to retrieve the file using a web service.

The full service URL is generated for the HTTP request as follows: <Address obtained from the InternetService parameter>/<Service name>/<Method name>/?<Method parameters>.

For a web service request, the description address (in WSDL format) is generated as follows: <Address obtained from the InternetService parameter>/<Service name>/?wsdl.


URL of the Internet service that provides the list of shared infobases.

First, an attempt is made to retrieve the list of shared infobases using an HTTP request. If this attempt fails, an attempt is made to retrieve the file using a web service.

The full service URL is generated for the HTTP request as follows: <Address obtained from the WebCommonInfoBases parameter>/<Service name>/<Method name>/?<Method parameters>.

For a web service request, the description address (in WSDL format) is generated as follows: <Address obtained from the WebCommonInfoBases parameter>/<Service name>/?wsdl.

If both the InternetService parameter and the WebCommonInfoBases parameter are specified, the address specified in the WebCommonInfoBases parameter is used first. If failed, the address specified in the InternetService parameter is used.


URL of the Internet service that provides the distribution package of the client application.

First, an attempt is made to retrieve the client application distribution package using an HTTP request. If this attempt fails, an attempt is made to retrieve the file using a web service.

The full service URL is generated for the HTTP request as follows: <Address obtained from the WebDistributiveLocation parameter>/<Service name>/<Method name>/?<Method parameters>.

For a web service request, the description address (in WSDL format) is generated as follows: <Address obtained from the WebDistributiveLocation parameter>/<Service name>/?wsdl.

If both the InternetService parameter and the WebDistributiveLocation parameter are specified, the address specified in the WebDistributiveLocation parameter is used first. If failed, the address specified in the InternetService parameter is used.


Specifies the need to automatically install the new version of 1C:Enterprise:

  • 0. Disable automatic installation of the new version.
  • 1. Enable automatic installation of the new version (default value).

The parameter value from one configuration file is used according to the following priority:

  • Local configuration file.
  • Local configuration file for all users.
  • Common configuration file.

If no version is installed on the local computer that is required by the server in the client/server mode or is explicitly specified for the infobase, the value of the parameter (from the configuration files or command line) AppAutoInstallLastVersion is ignored and an attempt is made to install the new version.

InstallForUsers only on Windows

The parameter contains a value describing 1C:Enterprise installation mode depending on the current user rights:

  • 0: installation mode is determined by the current user rights. Default value.
  • 1: install "for computer".
  • 2: install "for the current user" allowing them to specify an installation mode.
  • 3: install "for the current user" not allowing them to specify an installation mode.

See also:

  • Determining system installation mode

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