3.3. *.v8i

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This appendix describes the registered infobases description file format. This list is used by all clients. By default, the file name is ibases.v8i.

File location:

  • On Windows: %APPDATA%\1C\1CEStart\ of the local computer.
  • On Linux: ~\.1C\1cestart.
  • On macOS: ~\.1C\1cestart.

The file is a text document encoded in UTF-8 and consists of sections. Each section describes one infobase.

Each section describes one infobase.

Infobase description section:

[Section name]

A section consists of a section name and parameters.

The name and each section parameter are written to a separate line in the description file.

Section name

The name of the section matches the name of the infobase and is a required parameter. The name is enclosed in square brackets.

The parameter can be edited in the infobase properties window.



Infobase internal ID. Generated automatically. Must be unique within a single v8i file.

Manually generating the ID is not recommended.


Connect optional

Infobase connection string. There may be several descriptions of infobases that have the same start string (but different name). This may be necessary when you need to start a single infobase in multiple startup modes (such as thin and thick clients) without changing the properties of the infobase.


File mode is specified as:


Client/server mode is specified as:


Web server connection is specified as:

Folder optional

Folder name in the infobases tree.



The order in the list when presented in the list view. Specified as a number, which is the sequence count of the infobase in the infobase list (sorting by name is not set).



The order in the branch when presented in the tree view.


UseProxy optional

Indicates the use of a proxy server for the ws-connection option.

  • 0. The proxy server is not used.
  • 1. Proxy server settings are detected automatically.
  • 2. Proxy server settings are specified explicitly.

If the UseProxy parameter is not specified, the proxy server settings are automatically defined. For file and client/server modes, it is meaningless.



String containing the proxy address (required only if the UseProxy parameter is set to 2).



Port number of the proxy server (required only if the UseProxy parameter is set to 2).


PUser optional

Proxy server username.


PPasswd optional

Encrypted password for the proxy server.



Client connection speed (only makes sense for thin and web clients). The following values are possible:

  • Normal. Standard connection speed.
  • Low. Low connection speed.

If the parameter is not specified, the client connection speed will be determined by the Low connection speed check box value of the startup window (which is equivalent to the Select when starting value of the Connection speed parameter of the window, which contains the infobase startup parameters, see article Infobase startup parameters).



Specifies user authentication mode. The following values are possible:

  • 1. Use OS authentication. If unsuccessful, the username/password is requested.
  • 0. Always use username/password authentication.



Determines a user authentication mode on a web server if the web server is used as an intermediate link (a thin client that is connected through a web server and a web client). The following values are possible:

  • 1. Use OS authentication on the web server. If unsuccessful, the username/password is requested.
  • 0. Always request username/password.



Specifies the type of client application:

  • Auto. Client application type selected automatically.
  • ThinClient. Thin client.
  • ThickClient. Thick client.
  • WebClient. Web client.

The parameter can be edited in the infobase properties window.



The type of client that is defined and placed in this file by the launcher when the client application type is automatically determined (/AppAutoCheckMode key):

  • ThinClient. Thin client.
  • ThickClient. Thick client.

If the App parameter value equals Auto and the DefaultApp parameter is not specified, the thin client is started with the /AppAutoCheckMode command-line option.

If the DefaultApp parameter is set, the client specified in it starts with the /AppAutoCheckMode parameter.



1C:Enterprise version that must be used to start the infobase.

The parameter can be edited in the infobase properties window.



1C:Enterprise version, which was actually used to for the previous start of the infobase. Automatically detected and placed in this file by the launcher if the start is performed with /AppAutoCheckVersion parameter.

During the next startups, this version will be used, not the one specified in the Version parameter.



Contains additional startup options that can be entered in the infobase properties window in the Advanced startup options item.



If the infobase is added to the current list using the Internet service for obtaining a list of shared infobases, this parameter will contain the address of the service that provided the information about the infobase.

If, during the interactive start of the launcher (1cv8s), it is detected that the list of the shared infobases received using the Internet service does not require an update, the descriptions of all infobases (the WebCommonInfoBases.CheckInfoBases() web service call returned the InfoBaseChanged parameter equal to False) that are retrieved from this source remain in the list until the next start.

If the InternetService or WebCommonInfoBases parameters are removed from the 1cestart.cfg file, information about infobases received from remote sources will be removed from the infobases list.


HttpsCA optional

Type of the certificate source from the certification authorities used to validate the server certificate. Can take the following values:

  • None. Certification authority certificates are used, the server certificate is not verified.
  • File. Certification authority certificates are located in the file.
  • Windows. Certification authority certificates are located in the Windows Certificate Store.
  • Linux. Certification authority certificates are located in the Linux certificate directory.
  • macOS. Certification authority certificates are located in the macOS Certificate Store.
HttpsCert optional

Type of the client certificate source and its private key. Can take the following values:

  • None. The client certificate is not used.
  • File. The client certificate is in the file.
  • Windows. The client certificate is in the Windows Certificate Store.
  • Linux. The client certificate is in the Linux certificate directory.
  • macOS. The client certificate is in the macOS Certificate Store.
HttpsCAFile optional

Path to the file that contains certification authority certificates. If the HttpsCA parameter is set to File, and this parameter is missing or equal to an empty string, then the HttpsCA parameter is considered to be set to None.

HttpsCertFile optional

The path to the file that contains the client certificate and its private key. If the HttpsCert parameter is set to File, and this parameter is missing or equal to an empty string, then the HttpsCert parameter is considered to be set to None.

HttpsCertSelect optional

How to select a Windows client certificate if more than one certificate is installed and these certificates are suitable for this connection. Can take the following values:

  • Recent. Use the selected one. If there is a remembered one, it is used. Otherwise, a selection dialog box opens and the selected certificate is remembered for later use.
  • Choose. Always select a certificate. The selected certificate is remembered and can be used later if this parameter is set to Recent.
  • Auto. Automatically select the appropriate certificate for this connection. The selection dialog box does not open.
AppArch optional

Specifies the bitness of the client application that will be used to operate with this infobase. The bitness value is the same as the /AppArch command parameters of the client application startup command line.

StartupErrorHelpURL optional

If an error occurs upon connection to the infobase, the administrator can enable the Need help? hyperlink display in the dialog box with the error. To do it, specify a URL in this property. It is recommended that you specify a list of frequent connection issues (and their solutions), a list of technical support contacts, or any other similar information as an address.

StartupErrorHelpText optional

If an error occurs upon connection to the infobase, the administrator can enable display of any support information (for example, a technical support phone number) in the dialog box with the error. To do it, set this property. The property can be:

  • Simple string.
  • Formatted string. In this case, a parameter value must be a serialized value of the formatted string. Perform serialization using the XDTOSerializer.XMLString(TextForDialogBox) method. TextForDialogBox is a variable that contains a value of the FormattedString type.
ShowInList mobile client only

Use this parameter to specify that the infobase will be in the main list of infobases on the mobile device. The parameter can take values:

  • 1. The infobase is located in the main list of mobile device bases.
  • 0. The infobase is not located in the main list of mobile device bases. To access this database, use a special menu.

Default value: 0.


MobilePublicKey mobile client only

The MD5 hash (Base64 format) of the public key that is used to verify the signature of the configuration that the mobile client tries to use. The hash value (in the required format) is available in the Mobile Client Signature Designer dialog box.


InternetService mobile client only

This parameter contains the Internet service address of the shared infobases list. The infobase from the list will be added to the list of the mobile client (on a mobile device) if the value of the MobilePublicKey parameter for the configuration from the list of shared infobases matches the value of this parameter for any configuration specified during the mobile application build stage.

This parameter for a mobile client is similar to the InternetService parameter of the 1cestart.cfg file.

In the case of a mobile client, this parameter can be nested, that is, the list of shared infobases, which returns the Internet service, may contain a reference to another Internet service.


DisplayAuthDialog mobile client only

This parameter defines whether the user authentication dialog box has to be displayed.

DisableUseBiometrics mobile client only

This parameter disables the Use biometrics check box in the mobile client user authentication dialog box.

UseBiometrics mobile client only

This parameter controls the Use biometrics check box set by default in the mobile client user authentication dialog box. If DisableUseBiometrics is available in the infobase details, this parameter has no sense. The parameter can take values:

  • 1. The Use biometrics check box is selected.
  • 0. The Use biometrics check box is cleared.

The default value is 1.

DisableRememberMe mobile client only

This parameter disables Remember me check box in the mobile client user authentication dialog box.

RememberMe mobile client only

This parameter controls the Remember me check box set by default in the mobile client user authentication dialog box. If DisableRememberMe is available in the infobase details, this parameter has no sense. The parameter can take values:

  • 1. The Remember me check box is selected.
  • 0. The Remember me check box is cleared.

The default value is 1.

See also:

  • 1cestart.cfg configuration file
  • Internet service for getting a shared infobases list

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