Viewing product price history

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All sale prices that you set for a product are stored in the Product prices list.

To view the Product prices list:

  1. Go to Sales.
  2. Under Catalogs, click Products.
  3. Double-click a product line.
  4. On the link bar of the product card, click Prices.

The Product prices list is displayed. The list columns can vary depending on the list settings. By default, the following columns are available:

  • Recorder. A pricing document that records and stores information about a sales price. For details, see Pricing document.
  • Effective on. The sale price effective date.
  • Price type. The sale price type. To learn more, see Price types.
  • Price. A sale price.
  • Currency. A sale price currency.
  • Unit. A product unit of measure. A sale price applies to a product when you specify the product unit of measure in a sales document.
  • Variant. A product characteristic such as color or size. A sale price applies to a product when you specify the product variant in a sales document. The Variant column is available if the Inventory accounting by variants checkbox is selected in Settings > Purchases/Warehouse.

To quickly find sale prices:

  • Sort the list by any column by clicking a column header. To change the sorting order, click the header again.
  • Search the list using the search field above the list. You can search by price type, price, unit, or variant.

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