Creating account sales from consignee documents

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To create an account sales from consignee document:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To generate the document based on a goods issue, select or open the goods issue where Operation is Transfer to a third party. Then, click Generate > Account sales from consignee.
    • To create a document from scratch, go to Sales and under Sales, click Account sales from consignees. Then, in the Account sales from consignees list, click Create.
  2. Specify general details:
    • Select Consignee.
    • If Contract is available, set it to the consignee's contract where Counterparty role is Consignee.
    • Fill in other fields as necessary.
  3. On the Inventory tab, specify the details of the products that a consignee reported as consumed:
    • To specify a customer that consumed products, in the customer list, click Add and fill in the customer's details. A customer can be a consignee or a customer that purchased the products from the consignee. For details, see Customer list.
    • To select products from the Products catalog, in the product list, click Select and select Goods. In the displayed window, select products by double-clicking them. Then click Select.
    • To select products issued to a consignee but not yet completely consumed by them, click Select and select Consigned goods. In the displayed window, select checkboxes for products that you want to select, specify the product quantity consumed (in the Quantity column), and click Add to account sale.
    • To add products manually, in the product list, click Add and fill in product details. For details, see Product list.
    • To find products by barcode, click import_data.
  4. Optional: To offset a consignee's advance payments against this document, on the Prepayment tab, specify the advance clearing details.
  5. Optional: On the Payment terms tab, specify payment terms.
    Note. If the document is for a consignee with billing details specified, the payment terms are prefilled from these details. You can edit them.
  6. Optional: To record a sales commission paid to a consignee, on the Additional information tab, select the Commission is withheld checkbox and specify the sales commission details. See Additional information tab.
  7. Click Post and close.

Specifying advance clearing details

A company might have advance payments received from a consignee. An advance payment is a payment that a consignee made before consuming the consigned products. You can clear the advance payments against an account sales from consignee document. When you clear the advance payment, the consignee's debt is settled completely or partially depending on the total amount of advance payments. To view closing balance by account sales from consignee document, run the Statement of account.

To offset advance payments against an account sales from consignee document, use any of the following options:

Option How to use
Clear advance payments automatically
  1. Go Settings > Cash management
  2. Under Advance payments, select Yes for Set off advance payments automatically.Then, when you post an account sales from consignee document, its
  3. Prepayment tab is automatically filled in with the advance payment documents (on condition that the tab has not been filled in manually). The advance payments are cleared. This settles the amount of the account sales from consignee document. The settlement is complete or partial, depending on the total amount of the added advance payment documents.
Clear advance payments with the advance payment clearing tool On the Prepayment tab of an account sales from consignee document, click Select, and select advance payment documents.
Select as many advance payment documents as you need. Then, when you post the account sales from consignee document, this settles the document amount completely or partially, depending on the total amount of the selected advance payment documents.
Clear advance payments manually. On the Prepayment tab of an account sales from consignee document, click Add and fill in the advance clearing details (see Prepayment tab). Repeat this to add as many advance payments as you want to clear. Then, when you post an account sales from consignee document, this settles the document amount completely or partially, depending on the total amount of the added advance payments.

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