Rearranging work breakdown structure

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Project phases and subphases make up a project work breakdown structure (WBS). You can change it when required.

To change a project WBS:

  1. Go to Company.
  2. Under Project management, click Projects.
  3. In the Projects catalog, do any of the following:
    • Select a project line where Status is Open or In progress. Then click Project workplace.
    • Double-click a project line where Status is Open or In progress. Then, in the project details window, click Project workplace.
  4. In the project workplace, use the following options to change the project WBS:

Moving phases up or down list

To move a project phase or subphase up or down the list:

  • In the project workplace, do either of the following:
    • To move a phase or subphase up the list, select a phase or subphase line and click up.png.
    • To move a phase or subphase down the list, select a phase or subphase line and click up.png.

The phase or subphase position is changed, its Code WBS is updated accordingly while the dates remain as is. If the Previous phase field is filled for the moved phase or subphase, the field value is changed depending on the new position of this phase or subphase.

For example, there are two phases: "Phase 1" and "Phase 2" where "Phase 1" is specified in the Previous phase field for "Phase 2". If you move "Phase 2" up, it becomes "Phase 1" with the Previous phase field cleared. The Previous phase field is autofilled for the new "2 phase".

You can move multiple phases or subphases at once. To do this, select them while holding down *Shift* or *Ctrl*.
You can move a phase or subphase up or down only within the same level of WBS. For example, a phase has the following subphases: "Subphase 1.1", "Subphase 1.2", "Subphase 1.3", "Subphase 1.3.1". Then, you can move "Subphase 1.1" down to the position of "Subphase 1.2" or "Subphase 1.3".

Changing phase level

To change the level of a phase or subphase:

  • In the project workplace, drag and drop a phase or subphase line to a level up or down.

You can also do the following:

  • To move a phase or subphase one level up, select a phase or subphase line and click left.png.
  • To move a phase or subphase one level down, select a phase or subphase line and click right.png.

As you move a phase or subphase between levels, its Code WBS is updated accordingly. For example, if you move "Subphase 1.3.1" one level up, it becomes "Subphase 1.4". If the Previous phase field is filled for the moved phase or subphase, the field value remains as is.

Specifying previous phase of phase

To specify the previous phase of a phase or subphase:

  1. In the project workplace, locate a line with a phase or subphase that depends on completion of another phase.
  2. In the Previous phase field, select a phase.

Deleting phases

You can delete a phase or subphase with the Open or Completed status from the work breakdown structure. To do this:

  1. In the project workplace, in the View mode field, select Full.
  2. Right-click a phase or subphase line where Status is Completed.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select Mark for deletion / Unmark for deletion.
  4. In the displayed window, click Yes to confirm deletion.

The selected phase or subphase is removed from the project WBS. If the phase or subphase has subphases, they are removed as well. The dates of the phases remaining in WBS are not recalculated.

Note. As you delete a phase or subphase, its tasks (if any) are not deleted.

If required, you can view the deleted phases or subphases. To do this, click More actions > Setting > Show marked to delete.

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