Creating production tasks
In 1C:Drive, you can generate a production task from a work-in-progress document or create it from scratch. A generated production task includes prefilled details and a link to the source document. This saves your time on data input and ensures traceability of business documents.
Generating production tasks
To generate multiple production tasks for operations included in a work-in-progress document:
- Go to Production.
- Under Planning, click Work-in-progress management.
- On the filter pane to the right of the work-in-progress list, select the Creating production tasks checkbox.
Now, the list shows only the work-in-progress documents that contain operations not yet included into any production tasks.
- Select a work-in-progress document. To select multiple documents, click them while holding down Ctrl or Shift.
- Above the work-in-progress list, click Actions and select Generate production task.
- In the Generate production tasks window, for each operation, enter or select the following:
Field Description Quantity The quantity of operations to include in a production task. It cannot exceed the quantity specified in the Total operation quantity field.
If no production tasks have been generated yet, it is prefilled with the quantity of operations included in the work-in-progress document. Edit the quantity if required.
If an operation is assigned to work centers, they are shown in the Work center type / Work center field. In this case, you can distribute the quantity of operations between the work centers. For example, an operation can be distributed between work centers A and B. Total operation quantity for the operation is 10. Then, you can assign 6 operations to work center A and 4 operations to work center B. A separate production task will be generated for each work center.
When you specify the quantity of operations, 1C:Drive checks whether it matches Total operation quantity. The quantity mismatch is shown in the Operation quantity left field. You can review it and correct the specified quantity of operations if required.Start date The start date and time of the production task. It is used for monitoring production task starting.
If an operation is scheduled during production planning, this field is prefilled with the operation’s scheduled start date and time. You can edit them.
Note. The start date and time of the production task do not affect the production schedule. To learn more about production planning, see Production planning.Due date The due date and time of the production task. It is used for monitoring production task completion.
If an operation is scheduled during production planning, this field is prefilled with the operation’s scheduled due date and time. You can edit them.
Note. The due date and time of the production task do not affect the production schedule. To learn more about production planning, see Production planning.Note. You can revert the changes that you have made in the fields. To do this, click Undo changes.
- Click Generate.
The names of generated production tasks appear in the Production task field. The Task covered operation quantity field shows the quantity of operations included in each generated production task.
Note. If you change your mind and want to delete the generated tasks, set Quantity to 0. A warning will be displayed. Click Yes. Then, in the Generate production tasks window, click Generate. The Production task field will be cleared and the production tasks will be marked for deletion.
All generated production tasks are available in the Production tasks list. To open it:
- Go to Production
- Under Production, click Production tasks.
Creating production tasks manually
Use this method if you do not want to create multiple production tasks at once. Otherwise, follow guidelines described in Generating production tasks.
To create a production task manually:
- Go to Production
- Under Production, click Production tasks.
- Above the production task list, click Create.
- On the Main tab, specify general details:
- Specify a work-in-progress document in the Work-in-progress field.
- Click
to fill in the general details and component list from the work-in-progress document.
- Fill in or edit the remaining fields as necessary.
- Optional: On the Additional information tab, specify additional information.
- Click Post and close.
The production task appears in the Production tasks list. Its status is Open.