Viewing production tasks

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1C:Drive stores all production tasks in the Production tasks list.

To view the list:

  1. Go to Production.
  2. Under Production, click Production tasks.

The list displays the details for each production task. The details may vary depending on the list settings. The following details can be displayed:

  • Date. Date of the production task.
  • Status. The lifecycle status of a production task.
    For details, see Monitoring and changing production task statuses.
  • Number. A production task ID.
  • Department. A department responsible for fulfilling the production task.
  • Priority. The priority of the production order that a production task is related to.
    It is only available if production planning is enabled (the Use production planning checkbox is selected in Settings > Production planning).
  • Operation. The operation included in a production task, and its quantity (number of times it must be repeated).
  • Product details (variant, quantity, unit). The product that is manufactured, and its details.
  • Components. Components required for completing a production task, and their quantities.
  • Work center type. Work center type where a production task is fulfilled.
    It is only available if workload planning is enabled (the Use workload planning checkbox is selected in Settings > Production planning).
  • Work center. Work center where a production task is fulfilled.
    It is only available if workload planning is enabled (the Use workload planning checkbox is selected in Settings > Production planning).
  • Assignee. An employee or a team of employees assigned to fulfill a production task.
  • Start date (Scheduled). The planned start date and time of a production task.
    It is only available if production planning is enabled (the Use production planning checkbox is selected in Settings > Production planning).
  • Due date (Scheduled). The planned end date and time of a production task.
    It is only available if production planning is enabled (the Use production planning checkbox is selected in Settings > Production planning).
  • Start date (Actual). The start date and time registered by the production task assignee or a person responsible for managing production tasks.
  • Due date (Actual). The end date and time registered by the production task assignee or a person responsible for managing production tasks.
  • Can be started. Indicates whether a production task can be started now. A production task can be started after the previous production task is completed.
    For example, a work-in-progress document contains three operations (A, B, and C) that must be completed one after another. A separate production task is created for each operation. When a production task containing operation A is completed, the Can be started check mark is displayed for the production task containing operation B.
  • Note. Additional information about a production task.

To view only active production tasks (ones with statuses Open, In progress, or Suspended):

  • Select the Only active production tasks checkbox.

To quickly find a production task:

  • Sort the list by any column by clicking the column header. To reverse the sorting order, click the column header again.
  • Search the list using the search field above the list.
  • Filter the list by using the drop-down filters above the list.

To view details of a production task:

  • Double-click a production task line.

Viewing related documents

You can track the chain of documents related to a production task, including:

  • Documents the production task arises from.
  • Documents that arise from the production task.

To do this:

  1. Go to Production.
  2. Under Production, click Production tasks.
  3. In the Production tasks list, do either of the following:
    • Select a production task line. Then, click subordination_structure.png.
    • Double-click a production task line. Then, in the document toolbar, click subordination_structure.png.

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