Installing initial 1C:Enterprise license

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1C:Drive delivery kit includes an initial license for the 1C:Enterprise server. If you plan to run 1C:Drive on multiple client PCs, consider purchasing additional licenses. You can purchase a single license or a package of 5, 10, or more licenses. Then do one of the following:

  • Install client licenses on the 1C:Enterprise server PC.

    The license file is stored on the server’s PC. This license is floating. The server provides a temporary access license to a client upon request. A client can get a license only if the client and the server are in the same network and the server has available licenses. This can be an issue. For example, if a user goes on a business trip and needs to be able to run 1C:Drive on a laptop whenever required.

  • Install a client license to each 1C:Enterprise client PC.

    The license file is stored on the client’s PC. This license is assigned to the client’s PC. It is guaranteed that the license is available for this client only. This is a good option, for example, for those who want to run 1C:Drive on personal laptops while working at home or going on business trips.

To start working with 1C:Drive, do the following:

  1. Install 1C:Enterprise server license.
  2. Install 1C:Enterprise client license.

Before you start installing the 1C:Enterprise license, receive the 1C:Enterprise registration number and PIN codes from 1C International partners. It is assumed that you receive three PIN codes. For initial license installation, use the first one. You can use either of the other two PIN codes for restoring the license if you change hardware or OS.

Installing 1C:Enterprise server license

To install 1C:Enterprise server license:

  1. On the server’s PC, start 1C:Enterprise.
  2. In the 1C:Enterprise startup window, click Designer.


  3. Click Acquire license.


  4. Enter the 1C:Enterprise registration number and the first PIN code provided by 1C International partners. Then click Next.


  5. Click First-time registration.


  6. Fill in your license details and click Save details to keep them on your PC for license recovery procedures. Then click Next.


  7. Review the license assignment details and click Next.


  8. Click Finish.

Installing 1C:Enterprise client license

This section describes installing a floating 1C:Enterprise client license on the 1C:Enterprise server.

If you want to install the 1C:Enterprise client license on a client’s PC, install the 1C:Enterprise client, install the 1C:Drive application, then start 1C:Enterprise on the client’s PC and follow steps 2-8 in Installing 1C:Enterprise server license.

To install a floating 1C:Enterprise client license:

  1. On the 1C:Enterprise server’s PC, start 1C:Enterprise.
  2. In the 1C:Enterprise startup window, click Designer.


  3. In the Designer window, select Tools > License acquisition.


  4. Follow steps 3-8 described in the 1C:Enterprise server license section.

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