3.2. *.mft

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The file with the mft extension is a manifest file, which is a special file that describes the configuration template. The file may have an arbitrary name.

The file is located in the directory of the installed configuration template.

The manifest file has an arbitrary name and mft extension. The internal format of the manifest file is close to the .ini file format. The manifest file uses UTF-8 encoding to support multiple languages. The following parameters are specified at the beginning of the manifest file.


Solution provider. Matches the one specified in the configuration.


Name of the solution. Matches the one specified in the configuration.


Version of the solution. Matches the one specified in the configuration.


1C:Enterprise version used to build the distribution package.

The following parameters refer to parts of the solution and are separated by sections names. Sections names are arbitrary and enclosed in square brackets.


The relative path to the configuration file (cf), the update file (cfu), or the database dump file (dt).

Catalog_<language suffix>

The name of the solution in the solution catalog. There may be several Catalog_<language suffix> parameters in the manifest file. The suffix defines the user interface language in 1C:Enterprise 8 (for example, ru to specify the Russian language). If the language suffix is not specified (the parameter name is set to Catalog), the value of this parameter is used for all user interfaces except those, for which the Catalog parameter with the desired language suffix is specified in this section.


Recommended directory for infobase creation. This parameter is used when creating an infobase from a template. The directory represents a partial path. As one of its parts the directory must include a vendor directory (to avoid a coincidence of directories names for different solutions).

Multiple cfu files are allowed in the configuration template directory.

Vendor=1C Company
Name=Trade Management
Catalog_en=Trade management/Trade management
Catalog_en=Trade management/Trade management (Demo)

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