6.3. Active users list

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Sometimes you need to find out which users are connected to the infobase at the moment.

To get the list of active users, click Administration – Active users. A list of users currently using the database will be displayed.

https://kb.1ci.com/bin/download/OnecInt/KB/1C_Enterprise_Platform/Guides/Administrator_Guides/1C_Enterprise_8.3.22_Administrator_Guide/Chapter_6._Infobase_administration/WebHome/en_image054.pngFig. 55. Active users list

The current line displays data of the user who opened the form (current session). The current user is marked in the list with an icon. Data separation column specifies details of separators which are specified for a user in Designer (see Data separation tab in user properties). There are no values disclosed in this column for separators which apply to a specific session when a form is opened.

Using the Actions menu, you can customize appearance of the list or export it to a spreadsheet or text document. The list of active users can be sorted by any column.

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