6.2.4. Setting password

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To avoid signing in to 1C:Enterprise under another username, a personal password can be set for each user allowed to sign in. Just like username, the password confirms user rights to access 1C:Enterprise.

https://kb.1ci.com/bin/download/OnecInt/KB/1C_Enterprise_Platform/Guides/Administrator_Guides/1C_Enterprise_8.3.22_Administrator_Guide/Chapter_6._Infobase_administration/6.2._Maintaining_user_list/WebHome/en_image047.pngFig. 48. Setting user password

Enter the password in the password entry field. A password can contain alphanumeric characters. Password length must not exceed 255 characters. If you enable the user password complexity check or set the minimum password length in the infobase parameters, the password must meet these requirements. If the user does not want to create their own password, they can use the built-in password generator. To do this, they need to click the Generate password hyperlink. The password generated this way corresponds to the state of infobase parameters. Parameters of system-generated passwords depend on the minimum password length specified in the infobase parameters:

  • The minimum length is set to less than 7 characters. In this case, the password consists of lowercase Latin letters only.
  • The minimum length is set to 7 or more characters. In this case, the password consists of digits, lowercase and uppercase Latin letters. The password meets the password complexity settings regardless of the respective infobase parameter state.
  • The minimum password length is not controlled and is set to 0. In this case, the password is complex and 7 characters long. The password consists of digits, lowercase and uppercase Latin letters.

The Password confirmation field availability depends on how the value in the Password field is generated:

  • The user generates the password. In this case, they can specify the set password in the Password confirmation field again. If the passwords do not match, the following warning is displayed once you click OK: Password and password confirmation do not match. The password is not set.
  • The password is generated using the built-in password generator. In this case, the Password confirmation field is unavailable. The system will automatically put the new password there. If the user is not satisfied with the generated password, they can generate a new one by clicking Generate password again (the number of clicks is unlimited).

If the user changes the password, it can be viewed until the user clicks OK. For this purpose, there is a button on the right side of the Password and Password confirmation fields. The password display mode is changed by repeated clicking. The password is displayed in real or disguised characters. Once the password is set and the form is opened again, you cannot see the password. The password input field shows the Password is set text but you cannot see the password.

To clear the set password, in the Password or Password confirmation field, press Shift+F4. If the password is generated by the system, it will be cleared in both input fields. If the password is created manually by the user, it will be cleared in the current input field.

To cancel the password change, click Cancel. Please understand that clicking Cancel cancels both the password change and any other changes you might have made in this dialog box.

There are several ways to recover the forgotten password:

  • Set a new password. This requires administrative access to the user list.
  • Recover the password. This procedure must be configured in the infobase, and the user must be allowed to perform this action.

Users with passwords are marked with the lock icon in the user list. For the lock icon example, see Seller in fig. 44.

See also:

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