6.14.1. General information

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1C:Enterprise supports maintenance of technological log storing information from all 1C:Enterprise applications.

The technologal log is intended as an assistance tool for 1C technical support service to diagnose and detect errors in 1C:Enterprise applications and to analyze the technological characteristics of application performance.

The components and properties of the technological log may change when the platform updates are released.

Since the technological log is a set of text files stored in different directories, it can be used by application developers to analyze operating modes of the 1C:Enterprise and applications.

The technological log can be stored on any computer where 1C:Enterprise is installed. The technological log settings are stored in a configuration file that describes:

  • Directory where the technological log files are kept.
  • Types of data written to the technological log.
  • Retention time of technological log files.
  • Parameters of dump files generated on application crash.

By default, no configuration file is available. This means that the technological log is enabled and configured to keep the minimum dumps into the following directory on application crash:

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\1C\1cv8\dumps

For Windows Vista and later, the directory is:


If necessary, you can configure the event log by using a separate configuration file. This file must have logcfg.xml name and be located in the 1C:Enterprise configuration files directory.

Every 60 seconds, 1C:Enterprise automatically polls the configuration files directories for logcfg.xml file and, if found, analyzes its content. Thus, you can modify the parameters of the technological log immediately, without having to restart the 1C:Enterprise applications.

Volume of the technological log can be significant, so it is advisable to specify retention time for the log file storage. After the retention time expires, 1C:Enterprise will delete the outdated log files. If the directory in which these files were located becomes empty after deleting the outdated files, the directory is also deleted. This ensures that the entire technological log directory tree does not contain outdated files and directories.

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