6.14.2. Technological log configuration file

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A basic configuration file looks like this:

<config xmlns="http://v8.1c.ru/v8/tech-log">
<log location="c:\1c\logs" history="1">
<eq property="name" value="conn"/>
<dump location="c:\1c\dumps" create="1" type="2"/>

This configuration file specifies that:

  • All events of establishing or losing connection to the server are written to the technological log.
  • Technological log files are located in the C:\1c\logs directory.
  • Technological log files are stored for 1 hour.
  • Dump files are placed in the C:\1c\dumps directory.
  • Dump files contain all available information (the entire process memory).

If the configuration file is not available, the following parameters are used:

  • Technological log is disabled.
  • Technological log is enabled by default (see article Default technological log).
  • Dumps of the minimum size.
  • Dumps are saved to the %USERPROFILE%\ Local Settings\Application Data\1C\1cv8\dumps directory of the current user profile (or %LOCALAPPDATA%\1C\1cv8\ dumps for Windows Vista and later).

The configuration files in Linux and macOS are almost identical to Windows, with the following exceptions:

  • The configuration file must be located in the 1C:Enterprise configuration files directory.
  • The directory where the technological log will be generated must be writable for the user on whose behalf the application (server, client applications, web server extensions, and so on) writing data to the technological log is running.

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