6.13.2. Event log in .lgf format

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The event log in .lgfformat is stored in text files with the following extensions:

  • 1Cv8.lgf. General information about the event log.
  • *.lgp. The event log fragment.
  • *.lgx. Index file of the event log fragment with the same name. The index file size is about 10% of its own event log file.

    Generating an event log index file depends on the used mode:

    • For file mode, the event log is not indexed. Do not create or use an index file.
    • For client/server mode, the event log is indexed. Create and use index files. The number of indexing streams is equal to half of the number of working cores on the server cluster manager computer. In general, there can be no more than 8 streams or less than 1 stream.

Log location:

  • For file mode: in the 1Cv8Log subdirectory of the infobase directory.
  • For client/server mode: in the 1Cv8Log subdirectory of the infobase directory in the directory of internal cluster files. The directory name can be determined from the data registry file of the cluster.

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