6.13.1. General information

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To perform administrative duties, it is often required to find out which events occurred at a particular point in time or what actions a particular user performed.

Event log is intended for these purposes. Events are registered in this log. The administrator can get the history of user activities from the event log.

The event log is not a part of a database and it is not saved when exporting or importing an infobase.

1C:Enterprise logs the major actions by users who modify infobases, perform routine operations, sign in, sign out, and so on.

Event log is supported both in Designer mode and 1C:Enterprise mode. For the instructions on how to use the event log in 1C:Enterprise mode, see the help to the standard Event log function. To learn more about access to standard functions, see article Standard functions.

Event log can be generated in either of two formats:

  • Sequential format (.lgf). For more information, see article Event log in .lgf format.
  • SQLite format (.lgd). Version 8.3.5 supports this format. Starting from version 8.3.22, you cannot use this format in new infobases and convert into this format. In later versions, this format will no longer be supported. In previous documentation versions, you can read about SQLite format operations.

Depending on 1C:Enterprise version, different default log formats are used:

  • In 1C:Enterprise 8.3.4 and previous versions, you can use only the sequential event log format.
  • In 1C:Enterprise versions 8.3.5 to 8.3.11, the default format is SQLite. Event log format change is not supported.
  • In 1C:Enterprise 8.3.12 and later versions, the default format is sequential. You can change the format of the used event log.
  • In 1C:Enterprise 8.3.22 and later versions, the sequential format is used for new infobases. Event log format change is disabled. You can view the event log in SQLite format.

When you change the event log format while the system is running, the selected event log format is saved in the infobase. As a result, when you restore an infobase from a backup or a dump file (.dt), the event log format is also restored. Consider that if you want to restore an infobase in version 8.3.22 (or later) and this infobase is set to SQLite format and was dumped to a dt-file in previous versions.

Each event in the event log is identified by a string. The system events use a combination of _$ and $_ characters (for example, _$InfoBase$_.MasterNodeUpdate or _$PerformError$_)._$InfoBase$_.MasterNodeUpdate will be displayed as a string Infobase. Update master node. Using these character combinations in names of events written by the WriteLogEvent() method is prohibited. The events generated by this method are displayed as is.

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