Product selection in business documents

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Available lists
Navigation and keyboard shortcuts
Additional product details


The product selection tool streamlines adding products to business documents. First, you search for products and apply filters to create a product list, and then you add the entire product list to a document in a single click.

To run the tool, on the Products tab of a document, click Select.

The Products table can display the following lists:

  • Products. The list of available products, which can also include:
    • Product prices. This lets you select products with the price type specified in the document from which you open the selection.
    • Stock balance, available stock balance, and stock reserve availability. The stock reserve availability is displayed if the Use inventory reservation checkbox is selected in Settings > Accounting settings > Sales.
  • Product variants. It is available if the Inventory accounting by variants checkbox is selected in Settings > Accounting settings > Purchases/Warehouse.
  • Product batches. This lets you select products by their batches. It is available if the Inventory accounting by batches checkbox is selected in Settings > Accounting settings > Purchases/Warehouse.

Also, a separate list of stock balances displays the stock balance of the selected product in each warehouse. It is displayed if the Multi-warehouse accounting checkbox is selected in Settings > Accounting settings > Purchases/Warehouse.

Available lists

This section describes the operations available in the context menus of product selection tool lists.

List of products

  • Add to cart. Add a product to the shopping cart (an intermediate product list that can be added to a document in a single click).
  • Create. Create a product.
  • Edit. Edit a product.
  • Copy. Create a product by copying another product.
  • Go to current group. Show only the products stored in the same folder as the selected one.
  • Reservation details. View the list of documents that reserve the selected product.
  • Show substitutes. Show only the selected product and its substitutes. To view or edit product substitutes, open a product card a click the Substitute goods link.
  • Show bundles with this product. Show only the selected product and the bundles that it is included to.

List of product variants

  • Add to cart. Add a product with the selected characteristic to the shopping cart (an intermediate product list that can be added to a document in a single click).
  • Create. Create a product characteristic.
  • Edit. Edit a product characteristic.
  • Copy. Create a product characteristic by copying another characteristic.
  • Reservation details. View the list of documents that reserve the product with the selected characteristic.
  • Back. Return to the product list.

List of product batches

  • Add to cart. Add a product from the selected batch to the shopping cart (an intermediate product list that can be added to a document in a single click).
  • Create. Create a product batch.
  • Edit. Edit a product batch.
  • Copy. Create a product batch by copying another batch.
  • Reservation details. Opens the list of documents itemizing the stock reserve.
  • Back. Return to the product list or to the product variant list.
  • Back to products. Return to the product list.

List of stock balances

  • Refresh. Refresh the list of stock balances.

Navigation and keyboard shortcuts

To navigate between the product selection tool elements, do any of the following:

  • To switch to the product search bar, press Alt+1 or click Shortcuts > Go to Search.
    The product search bar works in "search as you type" mode. For example, if you type "wooden" in the product search bar, 1C:Drive displays only the products whose names or other attributes include this text. If you clear the text in the product search bar, 1C:Drive displays all products.
  • To switch to the main table (the list of products, variants, or batches), press Alt+2 or click Shortcuts > Go to Products list.
  • To switch to the products tree, press Alt+3 or click Shortcuts > Go to Groups.
  • To switch to the list of selected products (shopping cart), press Alt+4 or click Shortcuts > Go to Shopping cart.

Additional product details

To filter the product list, do any of the following:

  • To view all products, click All.
  • To view only products in stock including the reserved ones, click On hand.
  • To view only products in stock excluding the reserved ones, click Available.
  • To view only products that have prices, select the With prices only checkbox.
  • To view the stock balance of products in a warehouse, in the field above the product list, select the warehouse.
  • To view the stock balance of products in all warehouses, clear the field above the product list.

In the product list, reserved inventory items are marked with reserve2.png icon. To view the reservation documents, right-click a product and click Reservation details.

To view the document you are filling and its price type, click More actions > Information about document.

When you add a product, you can choose to enter its quantity and price.

  • To be able to enter quantity, click More actions > Settings > Input quantity.
  • To be able to enter price, click More actions > Settings > Input price.

If you choose not to enter the quantity and price, every time you add a product, 1C:Drive increases its quantity and reserve by one unit of measure.

To add the items displayed in the shopping cart to the target document, click Select.

To hide the shopping cart, click Hide cart content. To show the shopping cart, click Show cart content.

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