Template-based accounting overview
1C:Drive offers about 50 types of business documents that are used to record business transactions. The transaction data is used to help run a company’s business, support automation of processes in finance, sales, purchases, production, and other areas. In addition to managing business, a company might need to prepare financial reports in accordance with accounting practices and reporting standards. In this case, the company needs to record accounting entries.
In 1C:Drive, the Template-based accounting module helps you customize accounting entries recorded for business transactions. You can create accounting templates where you specify which transaction data must be reflected in accounting entries and rules to automatically fill in entry details.
With Template-based accounting module, you can:
- Set up and apply accounting templates for multiple types of accounting. For example, apply separate accounting templates for financial accounting and tax accounting.
- Set up and apply accounting templates based on different charts of accounts. For example, apply separate charts of accounts for financial accounting and tax accounting.
- Define the type of accounting entries for each chart of accounts. For example, simple or compound accounting entries.
- Use customizable default account types and default accounts. They allow to build templates that are easily scalable for new data. To learn more, see Default account type overview.
- Choose which documents post accounting entries. This can be business documents (such as sales invoices), separate accounting transaction documents, or manual accounting transaction documents. To learn more, see Accounting journal entries.
- Use the Accounting source documents setting to define documents that must post accounting entries based on templates. Accounting templates will be required for such documents. For details, see Specifying accounting source documents.
- Create accounting templates:
- Create one or several accounting entries templates for a specified chart of accounts, type of accounting, and document type. Accounting entries templates are used to define conditions when an accounting entry must be created and rules for filling the accounting entry details.
For example, you can create several accounting entries templates for supplier invoice. One accounting entries template for a purchase of inventory, another for a purchase of service, and the last one for the revaluation of a supplier balance. - Create one or several accounting transaction templates for a specified chart of accounts, type of accounting, and document type. Add conditions when the accounting transaction template is applied and accounting entries templates required for it. Accounting transaction templates define which entries are applied during document posting.
For example, you can create two different accounting transaction templates for supplier invoice, one for purchases in local currencies and another for purchases in foreign currency. This allows you to prepare, test, and implement templates gradually, depending on business needs.
- Create one or several accounting entries templates for a specified chart of accounts, type of accounting, and document type. Accounting entries templates are used to define conditions when an accounting entry must be created and rules for filling the accounting entry details.
- Add analytical dimensions and quantity details to accounts and accounting entries. This makes the accounting data more informative. For example, an accounting entry can show which inventory quantity was sold from which warehouse.
- Set up the validity periods for the following:
- Types of accounting specified in a company's accounting policy. See Types of accounting validity period.
- Accounting entries templates. See Accounting template validity period.
- Accounting transaction templates. See Accounting template validity period.
- Accounts in a chart of accounts. See Account validity period.
- Default accounts. See Default account validity period.
These items will be applicable in the specified validity period.
- Analyze accounting entries with the help of the following reports:
To implement the template-based accounting, follow the accounting workflow steps:
- Set up the template-based accounting.
- Create business documents (such as a sales invoice, supplier invoice, and others).
Accounting entries are posted depending on a company's accounting policy. For details, see Accounting journal entries. - Use the Accounting entries management workplace to generate, view, edit, and approve accounting entries. To open the workplace, go to Accounting and under Accounting entries, click Accounting entries management.
- Generate the accounting reports to monitor and analyze account balances.