Amount allocation tab

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The Amount allocation tab of a credit note contains information about the documents that are adjusted by a credit note.

To learn more about the fields of the Amount allocation tab, see the following table:

Field Description
Is advance Indicates that a credit note records a customer's advance.
Contract A customer's contract. It is applied to track accounts receivable by contract.
It is available if contracts are applicable to the customer (the Contracts checkbox is selected on the customer's card).
Document A document adjusted by a credit note.
The document list includes all documents that record a customer's debts (such as sales invoices). The list is filtered by customer, customer's contract, company, and currency that a credit note is created for.
Clearing amount The adjustment amount. It is in the currency specified in the credit note's Prices and currency settings, in the Document field of the Currency section.
Tax % VAT rate applied for recording VAT output.
It is available if both of the following conditions are met:
  • The company’s accounting policy states that the company is registered for VAT (the Registered for VAT checkbox is selected on the Finance tab of the accounting policy).
  • Tax category is Domestic rates VAT in a credit note's Prices and currency settings.
Tax VAT amount. It is in the currency specified in the credit note's Prices and currency settings, in the Document field of the Currency section.
It is available if both of the following conditions are met:
  • The company’s accounting policy states that the company is registered for VAT (the Registered for VAT checkbox is selected on the Finance tab of the accounting policy).
  • Tax category is Domestic rates VAT in a credit note's Prices and currency settings.
Order A sales order or work order that a credit note is created for.
It is used to adjust a customer's balance by order.
Specify an order if both of the following conditions are met:
  • Billing by orders applies to the customer (the Orders checkbox is selected in the AR/AP details of the customer card).
  • You allocate a credit note's amount to a document based on a sales order or work order.
Note. You can specify a work order if the Enable Services subsystem checkbox is selected in Settings > Service.
GL accounts GL accounts for recording accounts receivable, advances received, and VAT output.
GL accounts are available if both of the default accounting is applied (Use default type of accounting is selected in Settings > Company).
Project / Project phase A project or project phase that the transaction lines recorded by this document are related to.
The field value is populated to documents generated from this document if they have the Project / Project phase field.
The field value can be used for recording and tracking income and expenses by project or project phase. This applies if the Track income and expenses by project phase checkbox is selected in the project settings.
To learn how to select a project or project phase, see Project selection tool.
The field is available if the following conditions are met:
  • The Project-based accounting checkbox is selected in Settings > Company.
  • In the credit note, Operation is other than Sales return.
  • The Project / Project phase field position is set to In tabular section in the credit note settings (More actions > Settings).
The project list is based on the Projects catalog.

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