Subcontractor invoice received overview

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A subcontractor invoice received is a document that reflects a subcontractor's request for payment for the goods and services they provided.

Typically, subcontractor invoices received arise from subcontractor orders issued.

1C:Drive stores all subcontractor invoices received in the Subcontractor invoices received list. To open it:

  1. Go to Purchases.
  2. Under Subcontracting services received, click Subcontractor invoices received.

In this list, you can:

For a detailed description of all fields of a subcontractor invoice received, see Subcontractor invoice received fields.

To analyze subcontractor invoices received, use the following report:

Report Description How to open
Accounts payable Shows your company’s accounts payable broken down by subcontractor, subcontractor contracts, and settlement documents within the specified period. Go to Purchases. Under Reports, click Accounts payable.

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