General details

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If you generate a subcontractor order received from a source document, its general details are populated automatically from that document. You can edit them if necessary.

To learn about the general details of a subcontractor order received, see the following table.

Field Description
Lifecycle status Status of the order.
Set this field to In progress.
Customer A company that hires you to manufacture the products for them.
The list of customers is based on the Customers catalog.
Contract A subcontractor contract that determines the order terms. When you specify a contract, its terms apply to a subcontractor order received if manual contract management is enabled for the subcontractor (Contract management method is set to Manual in their counterparty card).
The field is only available if a subcontractor’s billing details include Contracts.
Due date The planned due date of the subcontractor order.
The current date is filled in automatically, but you can change it manually.
Number A subcontractor order received ID.
It is generated automatically when you post the subcontractor order received. You can edit it.
You can find subcontractor orders received by ID in the Subcontractor orders received list.
Date Date of the subcontractor order received's register records. By default, it is the date of the document's creation.
Company Your company's name.
The list of companies is based on the Companies catalog.
This field is available if the Manage multiple companies checkbox is selected in Settings > Company.
VAT ID Your company’s VAT identification number.
This field is only available if the following conditions are met:
  • Your company’s accounting policy states that the company is registered for VAT.
  • Multiple active VAT IDs are specified on the company's card.
Warehouse A warehouse where the finished products will be stored until you ship them to the customer.
The default warehouse is filled in automatically when you create the subcontractor order, but you can change it manually.
The list of warehouses is based on the Warehouses catalog.
This field is available if the Multi-warehouse accounting checkbox is selected in Settings > Purchases/Warehouse.
Price and currency A link to the settings that determine the currency, price type, and VAT tax category that apply to a subcontractor order received.

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