Warehouses catalog
A warehouse is a business unit where you store products and raw materials that you sell or buy. In 1C:Drive, a warehouse can have the following types:
- Warehouse. A warehouse that supports wholesale and retail sale operations.
- Point of sale. Cost method accounting (CMA). An automated point of sale that supports only retail sale operations. It is available if the Use retail checkbox is selected in Settings > Sales, under Retail.
- Point of sale. Retail inventory method (RIM). A not automated point of sale that supports only retail sale operations excluding cashier workplace operations. It is available only if a company uses the functionality of warehouses of type Point of sale. Retail inventory method (RIM). This functionality has been removed from 1C:Drive since version 1.5.4. However, for those who already use the functionality, it remains available. In this case, the Use point of sale with Retail inventory method (RIM) checkbox is displayed and selected in Settings > Sales, under Retail.
To manage warehouses, use the Warehouses catalog. It is available if the Multi-warehouse accounting checkbox is selected in Settings > Purchases/Warehouse > Warehouse accounting.
In the Warehouses catalog, you can do the following:
Viewing warehouses
To view warehouses:
- Go to Warehouse > Catalogs > Warehouses.
The Warehouses list columns can vary depending on the list settings. By default, the following columns are available:
. Default warehouse. Indicates whether a warehouse is filled in by default in business documents.
- Description. A warehouse name or short description.
- Type. A warehouse type.
- Responsible employee. An employee responsible for warehouse operations.
To quickly find a warehouse:
- Sort the catalog by column by clicking a column header. To change the sorting order, click the header again.
- Search the catalog using the search field above the list.
To view the warehouse details:
- In the Warehouses catalog, double-click a warehouse line.
Creating warehouses
To create a warehouse:
- Go to Warehouse > Catalogs > Warehouses.
- In the Warehouses catalog, click Create.
- Enter or select the following:
Description A warehouse name or short description. Type A warehouse type that determines the following:
- Business operations that a warehouse supports.
- Availability of storage bins in a warehouse.
You can select one of the following warehouse types:
- Warehouse. A warehouse that supports purchase operations, wholesale and retail sale operations. Storage bins can be available. To learn more, see Storage bins catalog. You can specify a warehouse in purchase, sales, and warehouse documents.
- Point of sale. Cost method accounting (CMA). An automated point of sale (POS) that supports only retail sale operations. Storage bins are not available. You can specify POS only in business documents that register retail sale operations. For example, a supplier invoice, inventory transfer, or sales slip.
The warehouse type is available if the Use retail checkbox is selected in Settings > Sales, under Retail. - Point of sale. Retail inventory method (RIM). A not automated point of sale (POS) that supports only retail sale operations excluding cashier workplace operations. Storage bins are not available. You can specify POS only in business documents that register not automated retail sale operations. For example, a supplier invoice, inventory transfer, or cash receipt where operation is Withdrawal from cash register (RIM).
The warehouse type is available only if a company uses the functionality of warehouses of type Point of sale. Retail inventory method (RIM). This functionality has been removed from 1C:Drive since version 1.5.4. However, for those who already use the functionality, it remains available. In this case, the Use point of sale with Retail inventory method (RIM) checkbox is displayed and selected in Settings > Sales, under Retail.
Group A warehouse parent group. Groups help you classify warehouses by certain characteristics. For example, by territory. Then you can find a warehouse in the warehouse list faster and view reports by warehouse groups.
Price type in retail A price type applied to products stored in a warehouse that supports retail sales. Prices of this type will apply in the following cases:
- When you print labels and price tags.
- When 1C:Drive and POS equipment exchange data. For example, when you upload prices to a cash register.
- When you post business documents that register a product transfer to a point of sale.
Responsible employee An employee responsible for the warehouse operations.
It is shown in print forms of business documents where Delivery option is Self pickup. For example, order confirmation, proforma invoice, sales invoice, and delivery note.
Phone A warehouse phone number. It is shown in print forms of business documents where Delivery option is Self pickup. For example, order confirmation, proforma invoice, sales invoice, and delivery note.
Actual address A warehouse actual address. It is shown in print forms of business documents where Delivery option is Self pickup. For example, order confirmation, proforma invoice, sales invoice, and delivery note.
Related business units Click the link to specify destinations for products transferred from a warehouse. A destination can be another warehouse, point of sale, or department. The specified destinations will be prefilled in production documents and inventory transfers.
To learn more, see Specifying related business units.
- Click Save and close.
Specifying related business units
Products can be transferred from a warehouse to another business unit. For example, another warehouse, point of sale, or department. A company’s product transfers might have regular destinations. If this is the case, specify transfer destinations when you create a warehouse. The specified destinations will be prefilled in production documents and inventory transfers. This will save time on data input.
To specify related business units:
- On a warehouse card, click Related business units.
- In the Related business units window, enter or select the following:
Field Description Consume components from A warehouse that supplies components for producing finished products. It is prefilled in the tabular section of a production document.
Transfer products to A destination warehouse for finished products. It is prefilled in the following:
- The tabular section of a production document.
- The header section of an inventory transfer where Operation is Transfer.
Transfer wastes to A destination warehouse for by-products produced during production process. It is prefilled in the tabular section of a production document.
Charge expenses to A department that you charge expenses to. For example, charge an exhausted printer cartridge to the administration department. It is prefilled in the header section of an inventory transfer when you switch Operation to Charge to expenses.
Sign-out to A department that you transfer equipment or inventory to. For example, send cleaning equipment or work clothes to the production department. It is prefilled in the header section of an inventory transfer when you switch Operation to Equipment sign-out.
Return from A department that returns equipment or inventory. For example, the production department returns cleaning equipment or work clothes. It is prefilled in the header section of an inventory transfer when you switch Operation to Return of equipment.
- Click OK.
Editing warehouse details
You can edit warehouse details. To do this:
- Go to Warehouse > Catalogs > Warehouses.
- Double-click a warehouse.
- Edit the details. To learn more, see Creating warehouses.
Setting default warehouse
If your company has multiple warehouses, you can set one of them as the default storage location. It will be prefilled in business documents. This saves time on data input.
To set a default warehouse:
- Go to Warehouse > Catalogs > Warehouses.
- Select a warehouse line.
- Click Set as default warehouse.
In the Warehouses list, a check mark is displayed for the default warehouse.