Viewing bills of materials

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1C:Drive stores all bills of materials (BOMs) in the Bills of materials catalog.

To view all bills of materials:

  1. Go to Production.
  2. Under Catalogs, click Bills of materials.

To view bills of materials for a certain product:

  1. Open the Products catalog.
  2. Double-click a product line.
  3. At the top of the product card, click Bills of materials.

The list displays the details for each BOM. The details may vary depending on the list settings. The following details can be displayed:

  • Description. A BOM name or short description.
  • Process type. The production process type that a BOM applies to. One of the following:
    • Assembly. Assembling finished products from components.
    • Disassembly. Disassembling finished products into components.
    • Production. Manufacturing finished products.
  • Status. A BOM’s lifecycle status. For details, see Monitoring and changing bill of materials statuses.
  • Valid from. The start date of the BOM validity period.
  • Valid to. The end date of the BOM validity period.
  • Finished product. A product to which the BOM applies.
  • Variant. A product variant to which a BOM applies.
  • Advanced settings. Indicates that a BOM is rule-based and applies to multiple variants of a product.

To quickly find a BOM:

  • Sort the list by clicking the header of any column. To change the sorting order, click the header again.
  • Search the list using the search field above the list.

To view details of a BOM:

  • Double-click a BOM line.

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