Viewing headcount budget

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To view a headcount budget:

  1. Go to Payroll.
  2. Under HR recordkeeping, click Headcount budget.

The Headcount budget worplace is displayed. The workplace view depends on the 1C:Drive settings:

1C:Drive settings Workplace view
Single company management. The Manage multiple companies checkbox is cleared in Settings > Company. Shows the headcount details of a single company.
Multi-company management. The Manage multiple companies checkbox is selected in Settings > Company. Contains headcount details of multiple companies. To view the headcount details of a certain company, in the Company field select a company. The company list is based on the Companies catalog.
Department management. The Accounting by business units checkbox is selected in Settings > Company. Contains headcount details of multiple departments. To view the headcount details of a certain department, on the workplace left pane, select a department. The department list is based on the Departments catalog.

You might need to check if a headcount includes a certain job position. To quickly find a position and its details, do any of the following:

  • Sort the headcount details by column by clicking a column header. To change the sorting order, click the header again.
  • Search the headcount details using the search field above them.

Headcount details

The headcount details include the following:

Detail Description
Position A job position name.
FTE A full-time equivalent.
Effective date The date when a company can start hiring for a job position. Since this date, you can specify the job position in an employment contract.

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