Managing employee's GL accounts

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This section is applicable if the default type of accounting is used (the Use default type of accounting checkbox is selected in Settings > Company).

An employee's GL accounts are the accounts for recording the amounts payable to and receivable from the employee. You can specify them while creating an employee. For details, see Creating employees. You can view and change the specified GL accounts. To do this:

  1. Go to Payroll.
  2. Under HR recordkeeping, click Employees.
  3. In the Employees catalog, double-click an employee line.
  4. On the link bar of the employee's card, click GL accounts. The following GL accounts are shown:
    • Payroll payable. A GL account for recording amounts payable to employees according to the payroll documents. This GL account is automatically filled on the credit side of the payroll accounting entry recorded when a payroll document is posted.
    • Advance holders receivable. A GL account for recording advance payments to be made to employees.
    • Advance holders payable. A GL account for recording advance payments to be returned by employees.
  5. To change a GL account, do either of the following:
    • Select another GL account. The GL accounts list is based on Default GL accounts list filtered by type.
    • Fill in the three GL accounts by default in one click. To do this, click Restore default. The GL accounts are filled from the Default GL accounts list according to the GL account type.
  6. To save the changes, on the link bar, click Main. Then click Save and close.
You can change an employee's GL accounts only if accounting entries have not been posted to them yet.

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