1C:Drive versioning

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The 1C:Drive version format is AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD, where:

AAA is the major version number. It is incremented when 1C:Drive is enhanced so significantly that it becomes a new software product. For instance, 1C:Drive 1.0 and 1C:Drive 2.0 are different software products. In general, upgrading directly from 1.0 to 2.0 is not supported. However, if such an upgrade is required, the vendor provides data processors for migrating the opening balance data. This ensures that you can continue maintaining and managing your accounting records in 1C:Drive 2.0.

BBB is the minor version number. It is incremented if substantial changes are introduced into the 1C:Drive architecture. For instance, the SSL library is updated. In a new minor version, the metadata objects with prefix “Obsolete” are deleted.

CCC is the revision number. It is incremented each time the 1C:Drive revision is released to production. Revisions are numbered sequentially. A revision number matches the version of the application published in the 1C International partner’s personal account on my.1ci.com.

A new revision introduces new features and bug fixes. The metadata from previous revisions are not deleted. They are renamed as follows:

  • Prefix “Obsolete” is added to the names of the metadata objects. For instance, Document.SalesInvoice is renamed to Document.ObsoleteSalesInvoice.
  • Prefix “(not used)” is added to the object synonyms. For instance, Sales invoice is renamed to (not used) Sales invoice.

DDD is the patch number. It is an identifier required for development purposes. For instance, an unplanned 1C:Drive revision is released to apply critical bug fixes. In this case, the patch number is incremented while the revision number remains as it was before this build. For instance, the 1C:Drive version is changed from to

The following tools can be used for updating the 1C:Drive version:

  • The update installer. It updates the 1C:Drive version only to the next in the sequence (from version X.X.X.X to X.X.X.X+1). Intermediate revisions cannot be skipped.
  • The configuration file. This tool allows skipping intermediate revisions when updating the 1C:Drive version. However, updating to the next minor version is only possible from the last revision of the previous minor version.

    For instance, consider the following 1C:Drive versions:


    For these versions, the following table shows the correct and incorrect order of updating:

    Correct Incorrect -> -> ->

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