5.2.4. Certificate settings

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If you add an infobase located on the web server and HTTPS is specified in the Infobase address field (for example, instead of http://localhost/DemoMA, the address is https://localhost/DemoMA), when clicking Additional…, the page with certificate settings becomes available together with additional web server access parameters.

Fig. 39. Certificate settings (Windows)

On this page, you can specify the source location for client certificates and verification method for server certificates. Let us review these parameter groups in detail:

  • Select client certificate. Selects the location of the client certificate:
    • Do not provide certificate. Connection can be established only to web servers that do not require a client certificate.
    • Certificate file. Allows you to select a file with client certificate and its private key. If the file is password-protected, the user will be prompted to enter the password when connecting.
    • Windows certificate/Linux certificate/macOS certificate. Client certificate is received from the system certificate storage in the operating system used (Windows or macOS) or dedicated Linux directory. If multiple client certificates are available for connection, you can specify what to do:
      • Select last used certificate. User is prompted to select a certificate using the system certificate selection dialog box. Further, this certificate will be selected automatically.
      • Always prompt to select certificate. User is prompted to select a certificate using the system certificate selection dialog box regardless of whether any certificates were selected earlier. Further, the selected certificate can be used automatically with the Select last used certificate option.
      • Select certificate automatically. Suitable certificate is selected and used automatically. The certificate selection dialog box is not displayed.
  • Select server certificate validation method. Indicates how to verify the certificates provided by the web server:
    • Do not validate server certificates. Web server certificate is not verified and the certification authority's (CA) certificates are not used.
    • CA certificate file. Allows you to choose a file where CA certificates are stored. If the file is password-protected, the user will be prompted to enter the password when connecting.
    • Windows certificate storage/Linux certificate storage/macOS certificate storage. Specifies that CA certificates need to be received from the certificate storage in the operating system used (Windows or macOS) or dedicated Linux directory.

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