5.2.2. Adding existing infobases

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If you choose to add an existing infobase, any infobase located on a local computer, on the local network, on 1C:Enterprise server, or web server can be added to the list (only for thin client and web client).

Fig. 31. Adding existing infobases

After clicking Next >, the dialog box for specifying the infobase name, its location type, and parameters is displayed.

Type in the infobase name. This name will be displayed in your infobase list. Maximum infobase name length is 255 characters. You are free to provide a long descriptive name for your infobase.

Fig. 32. Configuring infobase parameters

In the dialog box, you need also to select and specify parameters for accessing the infobase.

You can select the infobase type manually or have it automatically detected from your clipboard content. If the clipboard contains a path to infobase directory (paths to infobases in file mode must not include quotation marks) or URL for web server access, 1C:Enterprise attempts to automatically identify the infobase location type as soon as the infobase adding dialog box is opened. If the attempt is successful, the Select infobase location type radio button will be set and the infobase parameters will be filled. The same applies if you paste the content of the clipboard to the infobase name field and press Tab. File mode

In the dialog box, select the This computer or LAN computer infobase location type. Then, select the directory where the infobase is located. If a non-existent directory is specified, it will be created automatically when 1C:Enterprise starts.

Fig. 33. File infobase

Click Select to open the standard dialog box for choosing the infobase directory. Client/server mode

In the infobase adding dialog box, select the 1C:Enterprise server infobase location type.

Fig. 34. Adding existing infobases

Specify the following data in the fields:

  • 1C:Enterprise server cluster address. The cluster address is the address of the main cluster server with the specified number of cluster manager process network port (by default, 1541).
  • Infobase name.

No checks are made to make sure that the infobase with the specified parameters is available.

If the infobase with the specified parameters is not found during Designer startup, the user will be prompted to create a new infobase. If the user confirms, Designer displays the Create an infobase or folder form.

Fig. 35. Infobase parameters

In this form, enter the parameters for creating the new infobase. Web server-based infobase

To add an existing infobase located on web server, run the 1C:Enterprise thin client (1cv8c file).

In the infobase adding dialog box, select the Web server infobase location type.

Fig. 36. Adding an infobase to web server

If you need to specify additional parameters for web server connection, such as proxy server parameters and web server authentication method, click Additional… under the Infobase address line.

Fig. 37. Parameters for web server connection

Select web server authentication method parameter allows you to select the authentication method:

  • Select automatically. Attempts to log on using operating system authentication. If the attempt is not successful, prompts for username and password.
  • Prompt for username and password. Always prompts for username and password for web server authentication.

Use the Development management address parameter to specify a server address for performing various administrative commands. It can be either an address of Designer running in agent mode or an address of a standalone server that services the published infobase. Specify an address as follows: host:port.

See also:

  • Designer in agent mode
  • Standalone server

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