4.3.7. Special startup parameters

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The /IBName parameter specifies the name of an infobase to open. The launcher or the client executable file searches for the specified infobase in the infobase list.

If multiple infobases with this name are found, the launcher closes and an error message is displayed.

If the infobase is found, it is opened with the specified parameters from the launcher or the client executable file. /AppAutoCheckVersion parameter

This parameter automatically picks the 1C:Enterprise version required for the selected infobase.

If the startup line contains /AppAutoCheckVersion parameter, the following procedure is followed:

  • Infobase version is determined. This information is obtained from Version parameter of *.v8i file (when in file infobase mode), or from response of the 1C:Enterprise server (when in client/server mode).
  • If the version is 8.1 or 8.0, the executable files for the version are found and started. For 1C:Enterprise 8.0, DESIGNER command-line parameter is changed to CONFIG (for compatibility purposes).
  • When using 8.2 and newer versions:
    • If the full version number is specified, the search for the required version is performed using the InstalledLocation parameters of configuration files. If the required version is not installed on the computer, the search for the distribution package of the required version is performed using the DistributiveLocation parameters of configuration files. If the distribution package is found, it is installed. If not, the application closes and an error message is displayed.
    • If a partial version number is specified, it is attempted to determine the full version number from the DefaultVersion parameter of configuration files. If the full version number cannot be determined, a search for the latest installed version (InstalledLocation parameters of configuration files) and the latest version available for installation (DistributiveLocation parameters of configuration files) is performed. If the latest version available for installation is newer than the latest installed version, it is installed. /AppAutoCheckMode parameter

This parameter allows you to automatically select and run the client application.

When the application startup line contains /AppAutoCheckMode parameter, the procedure is as follows:

  • Run mode for the specific user is defined.
  • Default run mode of the infobase is defined.
  • If a run mode does not match the client and the current user has the right to start client applications, the client application of the same version is restarted. Otherwise, the startup of the client application continues. /url parameter

This parameter allows you to open URL in the client application (with several preconditions). It is available for both thin and thick client applications.

The parameter functions as follows:

  • If the parameter value contains an external URL (infobase address), the search for a running client application using this infobase is performed on the computer. The client application attempts to open the object referenced by the URL. If the infobase is not opened in any client application, a new client application is started with the /url command-line parameter specified.
  • If the parameter value is an internal link, it is ignored and the client application is started as usual.

Let's have a look at how the search for a client application is performed. The search procedure is as follows:

  • Search for a running client application that uses the infobase with the connection string specified in the parameter is performed. The search is not case-sensitive regarding host computer name and infobase name. DNS names are not converted into IP addresses or back. Therefore, if the client application contains a DNS address in the connection string and the external link contains an IP address, the client application will not be found.
  • If the client application is found and it does not have a modal or blocking window opened, the client application is activated and the URL received from the /url command-line parameter value is passed to it.
  • If the found client application has a modal or blocking window opened, the client application is ignored and the search continues.
  • If no client application is found, a client application is started and the URL received from the /url command-line parameter value is passed to it.
  • If the URL passed to the launcher or the client application only contains an infobase address (for example, e1c://host/ib-name), the client application is started and no other actions are performed.

When following an internal link, the procedure is as follows:

  • Link is opened after calling the AtSystemStartup handler.
  • If the client application runs in the Forms in separate windows mode and the in-app link target is a navigation point, the link is opened instead of opening the desktop. Otherwise, the desktop is opened and then the target form is opened.
  • In case of error, a diagnostic message is displayed and application continues to run.

If several parameters are specified in startup command line:

  • If the /Execute parameter is specified, the /url parameter is ignored.
  • If the /url parameter with an absolute URL is specified, any infobase connection parameters specified elsewhere are ignored. The following command-line parameters are ignored: /F, /S, /WS, /IBName. For the /IBConnection parameter, parts of the connection string that describe the infobase are ignored.

To follow the links, you can use external URLs in the following formats:

  • e1c:. Thick and thin clients.
  • http: or https:. Only thin client.

You can use the following methods for the same effect as using /url parameter:

  • FollowTheURL() 1C:Enterprise language method.
  • Dialog box accessible from the infobase list window.
  • Standard full-text search form (only for e1c: format).

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