7.2. Specifics and limitations

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A standalone server does not support the following features:

  • Serving multiple infobases with one standalone server.
  • Operation of several standalone servers with one infobase.
  • Standalone server tools (the standalone server itself and the server management utility) in infobases that are currently running on 1C:Enterprise server cluster. Attempts to use the standalone server tools in these infobases might destroy the used database.
  • Operation with the infobase using a thick client.
  • Operation with the infobase in Designer mode.
  • Operation with the infobase using an external connection (COM connection).
  • Management of a standalone server using a ras server.
  • For a standalone server, there are no graphical management tools (analogous to the cluster console).
  • Using background restructuring.
  • Server management using the V83.ComConnector COM object.
  • Operation via HTTPS. You can use the HTTPS protocol when using an intermediate web server between a standalone server and a client application.
  • Debugging over TCP/IP protocol.
  • Using operating system authentication.
  • Operation with 1C:Analytics.
  • Loading the configuration from XML files that were exported in linear format.

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