7.1. General information

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Standalone server is a special server application that is used to perform operations with an infobase of client applications: thin client, web client, and mobile client. The interaction of the client application and the standalone server occurs via the HTTP protocol. At each moment of time, a standalone server allows you to work with one database. A standalone server provides the same list of features as a server cluster of the same version, with the exception of administration and management tools. A standalone server contains a built-in web server. Therefore, the publication of an infobase does not require the presence of an external (relative to the 1C:Enterprise system) web server. A special command line utility is designed to administer a standalone server (ibcmd). The standalone server supports operation with a database that is located both in the DBMS (from the list of supported ones) and in the 1Cv8.1CD file. In other words, a standalone server allows you to operate with an infobase in file mode.

A standalone server is an application (ibsrv), which implements everything necessary for the operation of the 1C:Enterprise server. A standalone server uses components of the installed 1C:Enterprise instance of its own version.

The simultaneous operation of multiple instances of the standalone server is supported.

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