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Here you will learn how to activate the system objects required for kitting management.

Activate Kitting

Here you can enable kitting registration.


PathMaster data and settingsMaster data and sections → **Warehouse and delivery **→ Product kitting
In-app link EN codee1cib/data/DataProcessor.TMAdministrationPanel.Form.WarehouseAndDelivery
In-app link RU-codee1cib/data/Обработка.ПанельАдминистрированияУТ.Форма.СкладИДоставка

What you can do after activation

You can use the Product kitting document (e1cib/data/Document.AssemblyFromComponents).

Activate Kitting statuses

Here you can enable kitting process management.


PathMaster data and settingsMaster data and sections → **Warehouse and delivery **→ Product kitting
In-app link EN codee1cib/data/DataProcessor.TMAdministrationPanel.Form.WarehouseAndDelivery
In-app link RU-codee1cib/data/Обработка.ПанельАдминистрированияУТ.Форма.СкладИДоставка

What you can do after activation

You can set the In progress or Assembled (disassembled) status for the Product kitting document (e1cib/data/Document.AssemblyFromComponents).

Activate Kitting orders

Here you can enable managing kitting demand and fulfillment using the Kitting order document.


PathMaster data and settingsMaster data and sections → **Warehouse and delivery **→ Product kitting
In-app link EN codee1cib/data/DataProcessor.TMAdministrationPanel.Form.WarehouseAndDelivery
In-app link RU-codee1cib/data/Обработка.ПанельАдминистрированияУТ.Форма.СкладИДоставка

What you can do after activation

You can use the Kitting order document (e1cib/data/Document.ByAssemblyDisassemblyOrder).

Activate Do not close partially assembled (disassembled) orders for kitting

Here you can enable the system check if the kitting order is fulfilled before you set the Closed status.


PathMaster data and settingsMaster data and sections → **Warehouse and delivery **→ Product kitting
In-app link EN codee1cib/data/DataProcessor.TMAdministrationPanel.Form.WarehouseAndDelivery
In-app link RU-codee1cib/data/Обработка.ПанельАдминистрированияУТ.Форма.СкладИДоставка

What you can do after activation

You cannot close the incomplete Kitting order document (e1cib/data/Document.ByAssemblyDisassemblyOrder).

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