Sales tax tab

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The Sales tax tab of a credit note contains information about the sales tax applied to the products returned by a customer.

The Sales tax tab is available in a credit note if both of the following conditions are met:

  • A credit note's Operation is Sales return.
  • A company's accounting policy states that the sales tax is applied to the company's sales transactions (the Registered for a sales tax permit checkbox is selected on the Finance tab of the accounting policy).

To learn more about the fields of the Sales tax tab, see the following table:

Field Description
Sales tax rate The sales tax rate name or short description.
The sales tax rate list is based on the Sales tax rates catalog.
Sales tax percentage The percent of the sales tax. By default, it is populated from the sales tax rate settings. You can change it manually.
Amount The sales tax amount. By default, it is calculated as the percent of the amount to be paid for the products marked as taxable on the Products tab of a credit note. You can change the calculated amount manually.
The amount is in the currency specified in the credit note's Prices and currency settings, in the Document field of the Currency section.

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