Prepayment tab

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In an account sales from consignee document, the Prepayment tab lists a consignee's advance payment amounts that are cleared against the document. An advance payment is a payment that a consignee made before consuming the consigned products.

To learn more about the fields of the Prepayment tab, see the following table:

Field Description
Document A document that registers an advance payment.
Clearing amount The cleared amount in the settlement currency.
Amount The cleared amount in the currency of an account sales from consignee document. This field is available if the document currency differs from the settlement currency.
Exchange rate The exchange rate of the settlement currency against the exchange rate of the company's presentation currency.
When you post an account sales from consignee document, 1C:Drive applies this exchange rate to record the clearing amount in the presentation currency.
Note. This field is unavailable by default. You can add it to check which exchange rate is applied to calculate Amount.
To add this field, in the top right corner, click More actions > Change form, then select the Pages > Prepayment > Prepayment > Exchange rate checkbox and click OK.
The added field is automatically prefilled with the current exchange rate. You can edit it.

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