Viewing project phases

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To view project phases:

  1. Go to Company.
  2. Under Project management, click Projects.
  3. In the Projects catalog, do any of the following:
    • Select a project line and click Project workplace.
    • Double-click a project line. Then, in the project details window, click Project workplace.

The workplace is displayed. The phases and subphases that have subphases are shown in the bold font. A set of project phase details depends on the selected view mode. By default, the Planning view mode is selected. You can change it depending on what you want to view and do in the workplace.

To apply a certain view mode, in the View mode field, select any of the following view modes depending on your purpose:

View mode Displayed phase details Purpose
  • . Indicates that a phase has active tasks (the task status is other than Completed).
  • Phase. A phase name.
  • Start. The planned start date of a phase.
  • Duration. The planned phase duration in the duration units specified in the project details.
  • End. The planned end date of a phase.
  • Previous phase. A phase that must be completed before this phase starts.
  • Assignee. A person responsible for a phase completion.
Shows fields for the planned start and end dates of project phases.
You can select this view mode for project phase scheduling.
Actual start
  • . Indicates that a phase has active tasks (the task status is other than Completed)
  • Phase. A phase name.
  • Status. A phase status.
  • Start (plan). The planned start date of a phase.
  • Start (actual). The actual start date of a phase.
  • Assignee. A person responsible for a phase completion.
Shows fields for the planned and actual start dates of project phases. The phase lines are highlighted in different colors to help you quickly determine a phase state. For details, see Phase line colors.
You can select this mode for monitoring whether project phases start on schedule.
Actual end
  • . Indicates that a phase has active tasks (the task status is other than Completed)
  • Phase. A phase name.
  • Status. A phase status.
  • End (plan). The planned end date of a phase.
  • End (actual). The actual end date of a phase.
  • Assignee. A person responsible for a phase completion.
Shows fields for planned and actual end dates of project phases. The phase lines are highlighted in different colors to help you quickly determine a phase state. For details, see Phase line colors. You can select this mode for monitoring whether project phases are completed on schedule.
Full All phase details available in other view modes. Shows all project phase details. You can select this mode to review statuses, due dates, duration, and assignees of project phases.

To quickly view only certain project phases, specify the following filters:

  • Phases. Select one of the following filter values:
    • All. Shows all phases.
    • Performed with delay. Shows the phases that were started (the actual start date is set), but already overdue. The phase planned end dates already passed, the actual end dates are still missing.
    • Performed without delay. Shows the phases that were started (the actual start date is set) and they are not overdue yet. The phase planned end dates have not passed yet, the actual end dates are missing.
    • Not started on time. Shows the phases that started later than planned. The phase planned start dates already passed, the actual start dates are still missing.
    • Start time has not come. Show the phases that must start in future. The phase planned start dates have not come yet, the actual start dates are missing.
    • Completed. Shows the phases with the Completed status.
    • Not completed. Shows the phases with the status other than Completed.
  • Assignee. Select a phase assignee. The list of assignees is based on the list of users registered in 1C:Drive.

To view all details of a phase, select a phase line and click Open phase.

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