Creating budget type groups

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1C:Drive stores all budget types in the Budget types catalog. When budget types are numerous, it is hard to navigate through the catalog. To make navigation easier, organize budget types into groups.

To create a budget type group:

  1. Go to Company.
  2. Under Project management, click Budget types.
  3. In the Budget types list, click Create group.
  4. In the displayed window, fill in the following fields:
    Field Description
    Description A group name or short description.
    Code A group ID. It is automatically filled in when you save the group.
    Parent A group that this group is included in.
    Keep the field blank if you do not want to include a group in another group.
    The parent group list includes the groups already existing in the Budget types list.
    Comment Additional details on a group.
  5. Click Save and close.

The budget type group appears as a folder in the Budget types list.

To add a budget type to a group:

  1. Go to Company.
  2. Under Project management, click Budget types.
  3. Do either of the following:
    • Drag-and-drop a budget type line to a group.
    • Double-click a budget type line and, in the Group field of the displayed window, specify a group. Then, click Save and close.

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