Viewing budget items

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To view budget items:

  1. Go to Company.
  2. Under Project management, click Budget items.
  3. In the displayed window, in the Budget type field, select a budget type. The budget type list is based on the Budget types catalog.

The budget items of the selected budget type are displayed. Each budget item line contains a budget item name.

Budget item lines can be highlighted in colors. Each budget line also contains an icon. For details, see the following table:

Icon Highlight Description
red_arrow.png Pink Indicates a budget item type is Subtract.
green_arrow.png Green Indicates a budget item type is Add.
formula.png No highlight Indicates a budget item type is Formula.
group.png No highlight Indicates a budget item type is Group.

To expand all groups of budget items, click expand_all_groups.png.

To collapse all groups of budget items, click collapse_all_groups.png.

To expand a certain group, click expand_group.png next to the group.

To collapse a certain group, click collapse_group.png next to the group.

In the list, each budget item has a number. It indicates the budget item position in the list. The numbers define the order in which budget items are shown in 1C:Drive forms including reports. You can change this order. To move a budget item to a higher position, click move_up.png. To move a budget item to a lower position, click move_down.png.

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