Calculation parameters for payroll

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You might need to calculate an employee's earnings or deductions depending on a certain parameter. For example, hours worked or sales turnover by certain period.

In this case, you can use manually defined or dynamic calculation parameters. To choose a calculation parameter type that meets your needs, see Calculation parameters catalog overview.

After you decide on the calculation parameter type, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a calculation parameter of the selected type.
    See Creating calculation parameters.
  2. Create and earning or deduction and include the calculation parameter in its formula.
    See Creating earnings and deductions.
  3. Include the earning or deduction in an employment contract.
    See Creating employment contracts.
  4. If a calculation parameter is based on an employee's hours worked: Fill in a timesheet for an employee included in the employment contract from step 3.
    See Creating timesheets.
  5. Create a payroll document and choose to fill it in automatically.
    See Filling in payroll details automatically.

1C:Drive does the following depending on the calculation parameter type:

  • If it is manually defined, 1C:Drive fills in only a calculation parameter name. Then you need to specify its value manually.
  • If it is dynamic, 1C:Drive fills in both the name and value of the calculation parameter.

Consider the following example of using a dynamic calculation parameter:

Calculating payroll for sales representative based on sales_turnover.

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