Changing headcount budget

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To change a headcount budget:

  1. Go to Payroll.
  2. Under HR recordkeeping, click Headcount budget.
    The Headcount budget workplace is displayed.
  3. If multi-company management is set up (the Manage multiple companies checkbox is selected in Settings > Company), in the Company field, select a company to change headcount budget for. The company list is based on the Companies catalog.
  4. If department management is set up (the Accounting by business units checkbox is selected in Settings > Company), on the workplace left pane, select a department to change headcount budget for. The department list is based on the Departments catalog.
  5. Use any of the following options:
    Option Description
    Add a job position See Setting headcount budget.
    Remove a job position
    1. On the job positions pane, right-click a job position line and select Delete.
    2. Confirm the deletion.
    Edit job position details
    1. On the job positions pane, double-click a job position line.
    2. In the Headcount budget window, edit the job position details in the same way as when headcount budget is set. See Setting headcount budget.

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