Viewing earnings and deductions

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To view earnings and deductions:

  1. Go to Payroll.
  2. Under Catalogs, click Earnings and deductions.

The Earnings and deductions list columns can vary depending on the list settings. By default, the list includes the following columns:

  • Description. The name or short description of an earning or deduction.
  • Type. Indicates a list item type: earning, deduction, or tax.
  • Tax kind. A tax type.
  • Income and expense item. An income and expense item an earning or deduction is related to.

If earnings and deductions are grouped, the groups are shown as folders. To learn how to create a group, see Creating groups of earnings or deductions. By default, the Earnings and Deductions groups are available. To view the items of a group, double-click it. The Earnings group includes the following predefined earnings:

Earning Description
Payment by jobs An earning based on hours an employee spent to complete tasks according to weekly timesheets posted within a pay period.
By default, the earning is calculated by the following formula:
[TariffRate] * [HoursProcessedByJobs] where
TarifRate is a pay rate specified in the Amount field of an employment contract (or "Transfer and promotion" document) that includes an employee.
[HoursProcessedByJobs] is the number of hours from posted weekly timesheets the employee is included in.
Salary by days An earning based on the actual number of days an employee worked within a pay period.
By default, the earning is calculated by the following formula:
[TariffRate] * [DaysWorked] / [NormDays] where
[TarifRate] is a pay rate specified in the Amount field of an employment contract (or "Transfer and promotion" document) that includes an employee.
[DaysWorked] is the number of days the employee worked within a pay period as specified in a timesheet.
[NormDays] is the number of working days within a pay period according to a company's work schedule.
Salary by hours An earning based on the actual number of hours an employee worked within a pay period.
By default, the earning is calculated by the following formula:
[TariffRate] * [HoursWorked] / [NormHours] where
[TarifRate] is a pay rate specified in the Amount field of an employment contract (or "Transfer and promotion" document) that includes an employee.
[HoursWorked] is the number of hours an employee worked within a pay period as specified in a timesheet.
[NormHours] is the number of working hours within a pay period according to a company's work schedule.
Sales fee by responsible An earning based on the percent of the sales amount received within a pay period.
By default, the earning is calculated by the following formula:
[SalesAmountByResponsible] * [TariffRate] / 100 where
[SalesAmountByResponsible] is the sales amount received within a pay period.
[TariffRate]/100 is a percent of sales amount, stated as a decimal. [TariffRate] is specified in the Amount field of an employment contract (or "Transfer and promotion" document) that includes an employee.
You can edit the default calculation formulas of these earnings. For details, see Editing earnings and deductions>/a>.

To quickly find an earning or deduction:

  • Sort the catalog by column by clicking a column header. To change the sorting order, click the header again.
  • Search the catalog using the search field above the list.

To view the details of an earning or deduction:

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