Specifying GL accounts for earnings and deductions

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This section is applicable if the default type of accounting is used (the Use default type of accounting checkbox is selected in Settings > Company).

You can specify a GL account for recording the amount of an earning or deduction. To do this:

  1. Go to Payroll.
  2. Under Catalogs, click Earnings and deductions.
  3. In the Earnings and deductions catalog, double-click a line with an earning or deduction.
  4. On the link bar of the earning or deduction card, click GL accounts.
  5. In the Cost account field, specify a GL account. Do either of the following:
    • Select a GL account. The GL account list is based on Pimary_chart_of_accounts.
    • Fill in the default GL account in one click. To do this, click Restore default. 1C:Drive populates the default GL account of the Payroll expenses business transaction from Default GL accounts list.
  6. To save the changes, on the link bar, click Main. Then click Save and close.
You can change a GL account only if accounting entries have not been posted to it yet.

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