Loan contracts overview

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Sometimes, you may need to borrow money from another company for a short term without collateral. With such a loan, for the period you agreed with your lender, your company can fill up its working capital, while your lender can earn interest and an optional loan commission.

Alternatively, you can lend the money to another company or to your employees as a short-term loan and also earn interest.

In either scenario, you need to register such loans in 1C:Drive as they affect your company's balance sheet, cash flow, and income statement.

To keep records of a loan, register a loan contract in 1C:Drive. A loan contract stores all details on the loan: whether your company is a borrower or a lender, on which terms the loan is issued, when and how it must be repaid, and so on.

The loan contract becomes the source document from which you generate documents that describe the accruals schedule and payments schedule and the actual accruals and payments.

1C:Drive stores all loan contracts in the Loan contracts list. To open it:

  1. Go to Cash management.
  2. Under Loan management, click Loan contracts.

In this list, you can:

For the detailed description of all fields of a loan contract, see Loan contract fields.

To analyze loan contracts, use the following reports:

Report Description How to open
Loans borrowed Shows opening balance, settlements, and closing balance for loans borrowed from counterparties.
  1. Go to Cash management.
  2. Under Reports, click More reports.
  3. Click Loans borrowed.
Loans lent Shows opening balance, settlements, and closing balance for loans lent to counterparties.
  1. Go to Cash management.
  2. Under Reports, click More reports.
  3. Click Loans lent.

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