Uninstalling patches

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Generally, there is no need to uninstall a patch manually. A new application release includes the patch. When this release is installed, the patch (installed before the release) is uninstalled automatically.

When the application is updated to a new release, errors might occur and the update cannot be completed because of the patch installed before. In this case, you need to delete the patch manually. To do this:

  1. Start the application.
  2. Sign in as a user with Administrator user rights.
  3. Go to Settings > Support and Service.
  4. Expand the Application update section and click Installed patches.
  5. In the Installed patches window, select a patch line and click Delete patch.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the patch deletion.


    The patch is deleted. The application also shows a notification. It confirms that the patch is deleted and prompts you to restart the application to apply this change.


  7. Restart the application to complete the patch deletion.

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