Bank receipt overview

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A bank receipt is a document that registers money that your company receives from a customer, borrower, or any other business or individual.

A bank receipt is used in the following process:

Process Document purpose
Quote-to-cash process Record money received to a company's bank account from a counterparty such as a customer.

1C:Drive stores all bank receipts in the Bank receipts list. To open it:

  1. Go to Cash management.
  2. Under Bank, click Bank receipts.

In this list, you can:

Operations with bank receipts

In 1C:Drive, you can create a bank receipt to register the following operations:

Operation Description
Payment from customer A payment from a customer for goods or services provided by your company.
Refund from supplier A payment from a supplier for returned products, or a partial return of money paid to a supplier due to a correction of a product or service price.
Return from advance holder A return of an advance payment made to an employee.
Foreign currency acquisition A purchase of foreign currency. Select this operation if you want to register the amount of foreign currency that you have bought.
This operation is available if the Foreign exchange accounting checkbox is selected in Settings > Cash management, under Currencies.
Taxes A tax refund received by your company.
Other A received payment that does not fit any other category.
Loan repayment by employee A loan that an employee repays to your company.
Loan repayment by counterparty A loan that a counterparty repays to your company.
Loan borrowed A loan provided to your company.
Miscellaneous receivables A payment received from a counterparty that is neither a customer nor a supplier for a company (the Other relationship checkbox is selected in the counterparty's general info). For example, a deposit return from Customs.
Payment from third party A payment that a third party makes on behalf of your company's customer. Such payments must be based on sales invoices with the Third-party payment checkbox selected.
Payout from a payment processor A payment received from a payment processor.
This operation is available if the Use payment processors checkbox is selected in Settings > Cash management, under Payment processors.

For a detailed description of all bank receipt fields, see Bank receipt fields.

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